Templates are descriptions of forms and tables that can be included in Tekla Structures. The contents of the template fields are filled in by Tekla Structures at run time.
Templates are either graphical or textual. Graphical templates are inserted in drawing layouts as tables, text blocks, and drawing headers, for example. Textual templates are used for creating reports.
Tekla Structures includes a large number of standard templates you can use. Use the Template Editor to modify existing templates, or create new ones to suit your needs.
Graphical template definitions have the file name extension .tpl. Textual template definitions have the file name extension .rpt.
The ready-made textual and graphical templates
are located under the environment folders, in ...\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla
Structures\<version>\environments\. The exact file location may vary
depending on the folder structure of your environment files. Textual and graphical
templates, except mark templates, can also be read from XS_FIRM
folders. For more information on where the templates are searched
for, see Folder search order.
Example of a title block:
Example of an inquiry report:
Example of a part list report:
For more information on using templates, see Template Editor User's Guide or open the Template Editor Help in the Template Editor by clicking .