Example: Create a template for nested assemblies

Tekla Structures
Modified: 11 Dec 2023
Tekla Structures

Example: Create a template for nested assemblies

This example shows how to produce a template that shows the hierarchical structure of nested assemblies.

These steps show how to create a nested assembly structure in a textual template similar to the one in this picture:

  1. On the File menu, click Editors > Template Editor.
  2. In the Template Editor, click File > New.
  3. Select Textual template, then click OK.
  4. Add four new rows in the template.
    1. To add a new row, click Insert > Component > Row.
    2. Select a content type for the row, then click OK.

      For the first and third row, select the ASSEMBLY content type. For the second and fourth row, select the PART content type.

  5. Use the arrow buttons under Sorting and drawing order to create a nested assembly structure for the template.
    1. Move the second and third row down one level.
    2. Move the fourth row down two levels.

      The structure should now look like this:

  6. Add value fields to get the required data from your Tekla Structures database.

    In this example, the added value fields are assembly or part position, number, and weight.

    1. Click Insert > Value field.
    2. Click a point to define the location of the field within the row.

      The Select Attribute dialog box open and prompts you to select an attribute for the value field.

    3. Select an attribute, then click OK.
  7. Modify the layout of the template. For example:
    1. Move objects to show the nested assembly structure in the printed report.

      Select the object that you want to move and drag it to the new position.

    2. Align objects.

      Select the objects that you want to align, right-click, then select an alignment option. For example, select Align > Right.

    3. Add a header and a footer.

      Click Insert > Component > Page header and Insert > Component > Page footer.

      Add the required information to the header and footer.

  8. Save the template.


This example shows a textual template and a report that has been created using the template:


You can create graphical templates for nested assemblies in the same manner as textual templates. The difference between graphical and textual templates is that in a graphical template you can show project and company information and graphics, such as table outlines, pictures, or symbols.

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