Other modeling improvements

Tekla Structures
Modified: 10 Sep 2024
Tekla Structures

Other modeling improvements

Changes in saving macros

The macros you create are now saved under the model folder, in the \macros\drawings or \macros\modeling folder depending on the mode (drawing or modeling) you are using while creating the macros. Tekla Structures creates these folders automatically when you create macros.

Previously, you selected the folder location Global or Local when creating your own macros.

To record a macro or to create a macro file, go to the Applications & components catalog, click Access advanced features, and select either New macro or Record macro.

The \macros folders under the model folder are shared in Tekla Model Sharing.

Change in controlling pour unit visibility in Organizer

Tekla Structures 2022 introduced the Pour units enabled setting in Organizer, enabling you to control whether pour units or cast-in-place cast units are used as the highest cast-in-place hierarchy level in Organizer. The Pour units enabled setting is located on the Synchronization tab in Organizer Settings.

Tekla Structures 2023 SP1 introduced a change to this feature. From Tekla Structures 2023 SP1 onwards, to use the Pour units enabled setting, you need to set the XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT advanced option to TRUE. Note that if the XS_ENABLE_POUR_MANAGEMENT advanced option is set to FALSE, the Pour units enabled setting is not shown in Organizer, and you cannot use pour units as the highest cast-in-place hierarchy level in Organizer.

Previously, the Pour units enabled setting was always available in Organizer Settings, regardless of the advanced option value.

Updates in the Compare commands

When you compare parts, assemblies, or cast units and use the Compare parts or Compare assemblies command under Edit > Compare or on the context menu, Tekla Structures now shows a report with more details about the comparison. For example:

If you select rows in the report, Tekla Structures highlights the corresponding objects in the model, and you can investigate the objects further. For example, you can select sub-assemblies in the previously compared assemblies and use the Compare assemblies command again to compare the sub-assemblies.

If necessary, you can customize the comparison report template to suit your needs. When Tekla Structures is installed in the ..\Program Files folder, the template is by default available in the folder ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\Environments\common\system\. Copy the TS_Report_Assembly_Comparison.rpt template to your project or firm folder and then modify the copied template as needed.

Previously, the comparison results were only shown on the status bar.

Changes in non-linear model object solids

  • Since version 2021, Tekla Structures has been using instancing in steel and concrete part solid creation. Now solid instancing is also used for spiral beams (such as spiral steel beams and precast concrete ramps), for lofted plates, and for steel parts that have weld preparation cuts. Instancing improves the creation speed of solid objects in model view opening, numbering, GA drawings, and exports, for example. Application memory consumption is also lower when similar parts are used in multiple instances in the model.

  • The way how non-linear model objects, such as lofted slabs, are generated has been improved in Tekla Structures 2024. After this update, if you open a model that was created in a previous version of Tekla Structures, the number of faces in a solid object may change. If there are surface objects or rebar sets with leg surfaces created on such solid objects, the changed number of faces may cause gaps to appear between the surface objects or leg surfaces. Because it is technically challenging to automatically fix these gaps, they need to be fixed manually and you may need to create new surface objects or leg surfaces to fill the gaps.

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