Embedded anchors (8)

Tekla Structures
Modified: 28 Sep 2023
Tekla Structures

Embedded anchors (8)

Embedded anchors (8) creates one or more embeds in a concrete part.

Objects created

  • Embeds

  • Thickening parts

  • Reinforcing bars

  • Hangup bars

  • Crane cables

Use for



Two custom anchors.

Bolt anchors that are custom parts, hangup bars and crane cables.

Cast-in lifting anchors that are custom parts.

Cast-in wire rope lifting hoops that are custom parts.

Adjusting anchors are in the front side. The component is applied two times.

Selection order

  1. Select a concrete part.

  2. Pick one point to position the embed.

    You can also select multiple points, depending on how the embeds are divided.

  3. Click the middle mouse button to create the embeds.

Part identification key



Concrete part (wall, column, beam, slab)



You can select multiple points.

Input tab

Use the Input tab to control the custom parts used for the embeds, the input points for placing the embeds and the component direction properties.

Input point sequence

Select the distribution method for the embeds. You can also adjust the placement of embeds on the Input tab.



Select a concrete part and pick one position point for the anchor.

Select a concrete part and pick multiple position points for the anchors.

Select a concrete part and pick three points to define the plane.

Pick a point to place the embed.

Select a concrete part and pick three points to define the plane.

Pick multiple points to place the embeds.

Up direction

Define how the embeds are rotated.

This option is not available if the three-point-plane option is selected from the Input points sequence list.

The coordination system determines the position of anchors. You can use the global directions (whole model) +X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z or the local directions (part) +X,-X,+Y,-Y,+Z,-Z to define a specific face of a typical cube-shaped (slab, wall, beam, or column) part.

The anchor placement is illustrated with yellow rectangles, as shown in the example image below. You can change the positions by selecting another option from the list.

Note that with the Top in form face option, the anchors are always placed on the face that is selected as the top-in-form face of the cast unit.

-X local:

+X global:

Top in form face:

Embed handling

Select whether the embed is handled as a detail or as a modeling tool.

In general, a detail uses the shape of the main part for positioning the embeds, and a modeling tool uses the picked points for positioning the embeds.

Embed offset

Define embed offsets in X- and/or Y-direction, from the picked position points.

Anchor type

Select the type of the anchors from the Anchor type dropdown list. The options are:

  • Anchor created by top part and bottom part

  • Component part

  • Component detail

  • Surface treatment

  • Component part and component detail

  • Component part and top and bottom part

  • Component detail and top and bottom part

Custom part

Option Description

Partname component

  1. Select a custom part from the Applications & components catalog to be used as an embed.

  2. Select a configuration file.

  3. Select whether the custom parts must be used for the embeds.

    • The custom part can be connected to the main part as welded, added material, add to cast unit, or add as sub-assembly.

  4. Select how the embeds are rotated. The default direction is 2 point +x.

  5. Select how the embeds are rotated around a position point.

  6. If needed, set Check top-in-form face direction to Yes to check the top-in-form face of the cast unit and to adapt the direction of the custom part.

    If the input start and end points of the cast unit are reversed, the custom part rotation remains the same based on the top-in-form face.

Keep local direction

Use the Keep local direction setting to ensure that all anchors placed on opposite faces have the same Y axis always pointing to the main part of the assembly. This setting cannot be used together with the Check top-in-form-face direction setting.

Detailname component

  1. Select a custom detail from the Applications & components catalog to be used as embed.

  2. Select the configuration file.

Surface treatment

  1. Define the thickness, width, and height of the surface treatment.

  2. Enter the name, color, and subtype.

Custom part positioning examples

Placement tab

Use the Placement tab to control the placing of the embeds, crane cable angles and safety factor properties and to select the lifting anchors.

You can define the input point sequence, lift system and embed dimensions both in reference line and cross section direction.

Input points sequence

Select the distribution method of the embeds.

Use the a and b boxes on the right to enter the values.

Option Description

Embed is placed on a selected position point.

Embed is placed on a center of gravity (COG) point in the part length direction.

Multiple embeds.

Define dimensions a and b.

Reference = COG

Define dimensions a and b.

Reference = COG

If embeds are likely to be placed outside the part, then value d is used.

Define dimensions a and b as percentages of the part length.

Reference = COG

Define dimension a as a percentage of the part length.

Reference = COG

Define dimension a.

The right embed is calculated from COG.

Define dimension a as a percentage of the total part length.

Reference = COG

Embed is placed in the middle of the part.

Define dimensions a and b.

Reference = middle of the part

Define dimensions a and b as percentages of the part length.

Reference = middle of the part

Define dimensions a and b.

The distances are from the embeds to the part ends.

Define dimensions a and b as percentages of the part length.

The distances are from the embeds to the part ends.

Three embeds in a triangular plate.

Define the vertical distance a from COG.

Three embeds in a triangular plate.

Define the vertical distance a from COG as a percentage of the width b.

Lift system

Select the crane cable lifting system.





Define embed dimension a.


Define embed dimension b.


Define distance c.


Define anchor distance from the part edge.


Define crane cable height.


Define crane cable angle α.


Define cable angle β.


Define the rounding value for anchor distances.

Additional embeds

Define additional embeds. Use the boxes on the left and right to define distances. You can enter multiple distances. Use a space to separate the values.

Use the middle box to define the number of additional embeds.


  • Define the COG (center of gravity) for the selected parts, all connected parts, all connected parts without steel, an assembly, or assembly without steel parts.

    All connected parts and All connected parts without steel include parts connected by bolts and welds.

    Assembly and Assembly without steel parts include the parts in the current assembly only.

  • Select whether embeds are mirrored.

    Mirroring is useful for asymmetric custom part embeds. You can mirror and flip both in the reference line direction and cross section direction, and rotate anchors and horizontal bars based on the lifting direction.

  • Select whether both anchors are created, or only left or right anchor.

Calculate lifting capacities of lifting anchors

You can use a configuration file to calculate the lifting capacities of lifting anchors.

Option Description

Browse configuration file

Set to Yes to use the configuration file.

Define the full filepath to the configuration file. The default file is lift.dat, located in the \profil folder.

Select the anchor type from the list. The first list option corresponds to the first type (1) in the lift.dat configuration file.

The All types and use preference list option searches from all groups.

Preference type list

Define the prefered order of anchor types. Start with the highest preference group and separate the groups with a space.

If more anchors available

Several fabricators have lifting anchors with the same lifting capacity, but with different anchor lengths.

Use the order in the configuration file to define which anchor is selected. First found anchor with the correct capacity = 1, second found anchor = 2, and so on.

Exclude vertical cables in calculation

Select whether vertical crane cables are taken into account in the anchor calculation.

Angle limit

Set the tolerance for the crane cable angle which is still considered as vertical. For example, value 85 means that there is a 5-degree tolerance and cables with 85 degrees are still considered as vertical.

Lift.dat configuration file

The lift.dat configuration file contains a list of all custom lifting anchors that belong to the default Tekla Structures installation. The anchors are sorted based on the fabricator and type, component name, and lifting capacity. You can add more custom components to the list in the configuration file. The file can be opened in any text editor, for example Notepad. The available columns are explained below.

  • Type

    Groups where lifting anchors can be selected. This is an index of the different anchor types.

  • Type client

    Description of the types. This is a text description with no spaces allowed.

  • Name CuCoPa

    Name of the custom component part as listed in the Applications & components catalog. This is either a part or a detail.

  • Lift force (kg)

    Lifting capacity in kilograms. This is the anchor capacity from the fabricator catalog.

  • Dir

    Component direction during the creation of custom component parts. This is the Up direction of the component used in the column Name CuCoPa.

  • Attribute file

    Link to the configuration file. This is the pre-saved attribute file of the component used in the column Name CuCoPa.

  • Secure side covering

    This is the cover around the anchor.


If you have selected to use a custom part, ensure that the corresponding custom parts are available in the model. Names of the custom parts should not contain spaces, because they are not read from the lift.dat configuration file.

Safety factor

Define the safety factor. The weight to be lifted up is multiplied with this factor in the anchor calculation.

Braced girder

Select to move the anchors to the closest braced girder in Move to closest braced girder.

Enter the Maximum displacement and Placement offset of the anchors.

Define the Class and Name for the top bar in the braced girder. Select whether to detect braced girders in the whole assembly.

Avoid reinforcement

Select whether all reinforcement types are detected in the main part and define the placement offset to avoid collision with anchors.

Define the Class and Name for the reinforcement. Select whether to detect reinforcement in the whole assembly.

Top placement tab

Use the Top placement tab to define the embed offsets and how the information message box and crane cables are shown.


Define the embed offsets at both ends of the concrete part. An embed which is positioned exactly in the middle of the concrete part stays in that position and does not get an offset.

Show information message boxes

Define whether a message box containing the embed calculation results is shown. The message box shows the weight to be lifted up, the real lift-up weight including a safety factor, and the selected anchor.

The message box appears only if you have set Browse configuration file to Yes on the Placement tab.

Show crane cables

Define whether crane cables are shown. If set to Yes, crane cables are shown as construction lines or profiles with the α angle, defined on the Placement tab.

Thickening tab

Use the Thickening tab to define the thickening of the concrete layer. The thickening is especially useful for sandwich walls where shells are thickened near lifting anchors.

In the example below, a thickening is added with an extra insulation layer.

Thickening options

Select the side where thickening is applied. You can also define the thickness.
Option Description

No thickening.

Right side thickening.

Thickness is defined from center of the embed.

Right side thickening.

Thickness is defined from side of the embed.

Right side thickening.

Thickness is defined from side of the shell.

Left side thickening.

Thickness is defined from center of the embed.

Left side thickening.

Thickness is defined from side of the embed.

Left side thickening.

Thickness is defined from side of the shell.

Thickening on both sides.

Thickness is defined from center of the embed.

Thickening on both sides.

Thickness is defined from side of the embed.

Thickening on both sides.

Thickness is defined from side of the shell.

Thickening width and height

Select the thickening part reference, and define the thickening width and thickening height.

Option Description

Width is defined from center of the embed.

Height is defined from the top side of concrete.

Width is defined from center of the embed.

Height is defined from the bottom side of concrete shell.

Width is defined from the side of concrete shell.

Height is defined from the top side of concrete shell.

Width is defined from the side of concrete shell.

Height is defined from the bottom side of embed.

Side view

Option to combine multiple thickening parts into one if the distance between the thickenings is smaller than or equal to the defined value.

Thickening part

Select how the thickening is connected to the shell. Define the thickening properties.

Additional insulation

Select how to add insulation to thickening part.

Option Description

Insulation classes

Define the class of the insulation which is used in the concrete shell.

If the defined class number matches the class of the insulation in the model, then the insulation will be cut at the location of the thickening.

Foil classes

Define the class of the insulation which is used in the sandwich wall.

If the defined class number matches the class of the insulation, then the insulation will be cut at the location of the thickening

Create extra insulation

Select whether an additional insulation layer is created.

Define the thickness of the insulation.

Additional options for the insulation part

Option Description

Extra insulation part

Select whether the insulation part is added, and how it is added.


Select the part to which the insulation part is added.

Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the embed dimensions, connection method and rotation.

Embed dimensions

Define if the embed needs to be recessed. You can define the dimensions of the recess, distance from the recess plane to the top of the embed and select the shape of the cutout.

Select the shape of the cutout.





Half moon X

Half moon Y

Half sphere

As negative volume

Select whether cutout profiles are handled as empty cutouts or cutouts with a formwork part.

Top part/Bottom part

Set the part class and rotation. Each option rotates the embed 90 degrees counterclockwise. You can define also a fixed rotation angle.


Select how to position the top and the bottom parts of the embed.



An example of an anchor that is positioned on top of the concrete part.

Create top part

Select whether the top part of embed is created, and if set to Yes, select how the part is connected to concrete part.

Create bottom part

Select whether the bottom part of embed is created, and if set to Yes, select how the part is connected to the concrete part.

Top part tab

Use the Top part tab to define the top part of the embed.

Top part dimensions

Use the diameter and height boxes to define the shape of the top part of the embed. You can define the main diameters of parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also on the Parts tab.


Embed top part defined on the Top part tab, embed bottom part defined on the Bottom part tab.

Bottom part tab

Use the Bottom part tab to define the bottom part of the embed.

Bottom part dimensions

Use the diameter and height boxes to define the shape of the bottom part of the embed. You can define the main diameters of parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also on the Parts tab.

Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to define the embed top and bottom part properties and the formwork part properties.

Part properties

Both the top and the bottom part are build from multiple profiles. You can define profiles for each section.

Define the part properties for the top, bottom and formwork part. If the profile properties are left empty, the lengths and diameters defined on the Top part and Bottom part tabs are used.



t, b, h

Part thickness, width and height.


Prefix and a start number for the part position number.


Material grade.


Name for the part.


Add a comment for the part.

You can define UDAs for the top and bottom parts.

Reinforcing bar tab

Use the Reinforcing bar tab to define additional reinforcing bars for the embeds.

You can define the reinforcing bar shape and hook properties, and the reinforcing bar profile properties in two directions.


Grade, Size

The Grade and Size options work together. Click the button next to the Size box to open the reinforcing bar catalog and to select a grade and a size for bar A and bar B.

End conditions left/End conditions right

Select the shape of the reinforcing bar.

Bend lengths left/Bend lengths right, Bend radius

Define the bend length for the hooks and the bend radius.


Select how to rotate the reinforcing bars and define the rotation angle.


Define the reinforcing bar dimensions and the number of bars.

Hangup bars tab

Use the Hangup bars tab to define additional reinforcing bars for the embeds.

You can define the reinforcing bar shape and hook properties, and the reinforcing bar profile properties.


Grade, Size

The Grade and Size options work together. Click the button next to the Size box to open the reinforcing bar catalog and to select a grade and a size.

End conditions left/End conditions right

Select the shape of the reinforcing bar.

Bend lengths left/Bend lengths right, Bend radius

Define the bend length for the hooks and the bend radius.


Select how to rotate the hangup reinforcing bars and define the rotation angle.






Select how to place the hangup reinforcing bars.

Use the values a, b, c, d, e, f and the angles alpha and beta to define the dimensions of the hangup reinforcing bars.


Define the number of hangup reinforcing bars.



Define the cover thickness.


Define the distance between hangup reinforcing bars.

100 mm

Horizontal bar tab

Use the Horizontal bar tab to define additional horizontal reinforcing bars for the embeds.

You can define the reinforcing bar shape and hook properties, and the reinforcing bar profile properties.


Grade, Size

The Grade and Size options work together. Click the button next to the Size box to open the reinforcing bar catalog and to select a grade and a size.

End conditions left/End conditions right

Select the shape of the reinforcing bar.

Bend lengths left/Bend lengths right, Bend radius

Define the bend length for the hooks and the bend radius.


Select how to rotate the horizontal reinforcing bars and define the rotation angle.

Side view

You can create sloped horizontal reinforcing bars. Define the number of bars and the distance between them. Use value d to define cover thickness for the top side and value f to define the reinforcing bar length.

Top view

Select a reinforcing bar shape.

Use values a, b, c, d, e, f and the angle α to define the dimensions of the horizontal reinforcing bars.

Special bar tab

Use the Special bar tab to define additional U-shaped reinforcing bars for the embeds.

You can define the reinforcing bar shape and hook properties, and the reinforcing bar profile properties in two directions.


Grade, Size

The Grade and Size options work together. Click the button next to the Size box to open the reinforcing bar catalog and to select a grade and a size for bar A and bar B.

End conditions left/End conditions right

Select the shape of the reinforcing bar.

Bend lengths left/Bend lengths right, Bend radius

Define the bend length for the hooks and the bend radius.


Select how to rotate the U-shaped reinforcing bars and define the rotation angle.


Select a reinforcing bar shape.

Use the values a, b, c, d, e, f and the angles α to define the dimensions of the U-shaped reinforcing bars.

Advanced tab

Use the Advanced tab to define UDAs and reinforcing bar properties for the reinforcing bars, hangup bars, special bars and horizontal bars.

Reinforcing bar properties




Add a comment for the reinforcing bars.


Define a name that is shown in drawings and reports.


Define the class number for the reinforcing bars.


Define a prefix for the bar position number.

Start number

Define a start number for the bar position number.

Create as rebar assembly

You can add the created reinforcement as a rebar assembly to the cast units with a predefined assembly type, name, prefix, and start number.

Option Description

Create as rebar assembly

Select Yes to create all reinforcement as one rebar assembly, and to include it to the cast unit of the input part.

Add to existing rebar assembly
  • Do not add: New rebar is added as a rebar assembly to the cast unit.

  • As single bars: Add all new rebars directly into an existing rebar assembly as rebars.
  • As sub-assembly: Add all new rebars to their own new rebar assembly, which is then included as a sub-assembly to the main rebar assembly.

Rebar assembly type

Select the rebar assembly type.

If you do not select the type, the default value of the rebar assembly is used.

Name, Profile, Start number

Define the name, profile, and start number.

If you do not define these, the default values of the rebar assembly are used.


Welds are used for thickening parts and for anchor welding.

Click the link below to find out more:

Create welds

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