Braced girder (89)

Tekla Structures
Modified: 11 Dec 2023
Tekla Structures

Braced girder (89)

Braced girder (89) creates braced girders between selected points in a precast concrete part, such as in a thin-shell slab or in a sandwich wall panel. The girders are cast into the concrete part and they also work as a part of the reinforcement and as a connector between the precast and cast-in-place concrete.

Objects created

The girders consist of the following parts:

  • Two bottom reinforcing bars

  • One or two top reinforcing bars

  • Two connecting reinforcing bars

Instead of using reinforcing bars, you can use profiles and plates to create the braced girders.

Use for

Situation Description

Braced girders are created in the precast concrete slab.

Braced girders are created in the precast concrete sandwich panel.

Braced girders are created in a wide plate floor with an opening.

Braced girders are created in a hollow wall.

Profile as a girder.

Selection order

  1. Select the concrete part.

  2. Pick the starting point of a girder.

  3. Pick the end point of a girder.

Part identification key



Top reinforcing bar


Connecting reinforcing bar


Bottom reinforcing bar

Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to control the creation, shape and dimensions of reinforcement bars.

Reinforcing bar dimensions and shape



Distance between the end of the top reinforcing bar and the picked point.


Distance between the end of the connecting reinforcing bar and the picked point.


Distance between the end of the bottom reinforcing bar and the picked point.


Radius of the connecting reinforcing bar.


Distance between bendings.

Define the distance between the bottom reinforcing bars, and the distance between the top and bottom reinforcing bars.

If you add two reinforcing bars at the top, you can define the distance of these reinforcing bars from the top of the connecting reinforcing bars.


Girder creation




Select the type of the bottom, top and connecting reinforcing bars (Bar a, b, c):

  • Reinforcing bar
  • Steel rod
  • No (The reinforcing bar is not created.)


Profile selection is activated when you select the following girder option:

Define a prefix and a start number for the part position number, and material, name, comment, and class.


Plate creation is activated when you select the following girder option:

Define a prefix and a start number for the part position number, and material, name, comment, and class.

Add as

Select the method that is used to connect the girders to the cast unit:

Sub-assembly, Welded, No

Reinforcing bar properties

Define the reinforcing bar properties for the top, bottom and the connecting reinforcing bars.




Size of the reinforcing bar.


Grade of the reinforcing bar.



Start number



A name, a prefix and a start number for the part position number, and comment and class for the reinforcing bar.

Create as rebar assembly

You can add the created reinforcement as a rebar assembly to the cast units with a predefined assembly type, name, prefix, and start number.

Option Description

Create as rebar assembly

Select Yes to create all reinforcement as one rebar assembly, and to include it to the cast unit of the input part.

Add to existing rebar assembly
  • Do not add: New rebar is added as a rebar assembly to the cast unit.

  • As single bars: Add all new rebars directly into an existing rebar assembly as rebars.
  • As sub-assembly: Add all new rebars to their own new rebar assembly, which is then included as a sub-assembly to the main rebar assembly.

Rebar assembly type

Select the rebar assembly type.

If you do not select the type, the default value of the rebar assembly is used.

Name, Profile, Start number

Define the name, profile, and start number.

If you do not define these, the default values of the rebar assembly are used.

Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to control the positioning and number of girders.

Workplane orientation



Workplane position

Use this setting to control to which side of the input part the girders are created.

  • Part XY plane

  • Part YZ plane

  • Part ZX plane

  • Model creates the girders according to the current work plane in the model.

    Select the axis direction for the model work plane position: Model XY, Model YZ, or Model ZX.

  • Top in form face sets the work plane parallel to the top in form face plane.

Position in plane


Position in depth

Define the orientation of the girder on the work plane.

Girder position in z direction

Select how the girders are positioned in the z direction.


Braced girders are positioned to picked points. The braced girders are related to the top side of the part.




Multiple L factor

Define the accuracy for the rounding of the girder length.

The default value is 1.0. With the default value, there are no decimals in the girder length.


Select the geometry for the connecting reinforcing bars.


Girder position in y direction

Select how the girders are positioned in the y direction.


Extra girders

Select whether additional girder groups are created.


For example, if you have selected this option:

Extra girder groups is set to None: No additional girder groups are created between 2 existing braced girders.

Extra girder groups is set to By number: Additional girder groups are created based on the entered number. Distances between the groups are equally divided.

Extra girder groups is set to By distance: The number of additional girder groups is based on the defined distance. The distances between the girder groups are equally divided.

Girder group

Define whether additional girders are created from the existing girders.

Number is the number of girders in the girder group.

Distance list is the distance between the girders in the girder group.

e = is the position of the girders from the reference line.



  • Girder group is positioned in the middle of the reference line.

  • Girder group is positioned on the right side of the reference line.

  • Girder group is positioned on the left side of the reference line.


Existing girders

Additional girders

Geometry tab

Use the Geometry tab to control how openings and part length affect the girder creation.



Create always girders

Select whether girders are always created.

If you select Yes, girders are created even when the girder is placed fully outside the concrete part.


Select whether girders are created in openings.


Select how girders adapt to the part shape.


Select whether the entire braced girder is cut at openings, or only the parts that collide with openings.

Minimum length

Define the minimum length of the girder.

Maximum length

Define the maximum length of the girder.

The girder is split when the maximum length is reached.

Examples of minimum length

No minimum length defined:

Defined minimum length (no girder created):

Double wall

Use the Double wall tab to select how a second concrete element affects the girders.

Look up sec concrete element

Select whether a second concrete element affects the creation of the girders. Define the class of the second wall in the Class box.

Select the first wall, and if the second wall matches the defined class, a girder is created. You can also enter a series of classes. You can use this creation method in combination with the options defined for openings on the Geometry tab.

The example below shows a hollow wall where inside and outside shells have different geometry.


A hollow core wall where inside and outside shells have different geometry.

Look up second concrete element = No

A hollow core wall where inside and outside shells have different geometry.

Look up second concrete element = Yes

UDA tab

You can define UDAs.

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