Corbel reinforcement (81)

Tekla Structures
Modified: 10 Dec 2024
Tekla Structures

Corbel reinforcement (81)

Corbel reinforcement (81) creates reinforcement for one or two corbels in a concrete column. The two corbels must have the same top level, thickness, and horizontal location.

Objects created

  • Main bars

  • Stirrups

  • Additional bars

Use for



Two corbels, beveled and rounded, with the same top level, thickness, and horizontal location.

Two additional bars crossing each other.

One straight corbel.

One additional bar.


Do not use Corbel reinforcement (81) for two very different corbels.

Before you start

  • Create the concrete column and beams.

  • Create the corbels. Use Corbel connection (14) or a seating connection to create the corbels.

Selection order

  1. Select the main part (concrete column).

  2. Select the secondary parts (one or more corbels).

  3. Click the middle mouse button to create the reinforcement.

Main bars tab

Use the Main bars tab to control the main bar length, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing bar spacing, and reinforcing bar properties.



Main bar length.


Distance from the concrete surface to the main bar.




Strength of the steel used in the reinforcing bars.


Diameter of the reinforcing bar.


Define a name for the main bars.

Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and reports.


Use Class to group reinforcement.

For example, you can display reinforcement of different classes in different colors.


Prefix for the part position number.

Start number

Start number for the part position number.

Follow shape

This setting also affects the transverse stirrups.

Option Description


The last rebar segment follows the inclined corbel edge.


The last rebar segment is created horizontally.

Cover thickness



Concrete cover thickness.


Number of bars in the reinforcement.


Space between the reinforcing bars.

Stirrups/Transverse stirrups/Diagonal stirrups tab

Use the Stirrups, Transverse stirrups and Diagonal stirrups tabs to control the stirrup creation, stirrup type, concrete cover thickness, reinforcing bar spacing and properties.


Define the distance from the concrete surface to the stirrups.

Option Option Option

Concrete cover thickness

Define the concrete cover thickness. You can select that the concrete cover is the same at each side.

Option Option Option



Number of bars

Define the number of bars in the reinforcement.

Spacing values

Define the space between the reinforcing bars.

Transverse stirrups in column

Select whether the column is reinforced with transverse stirrups.


Define a name for the stirrups.

Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and reports.


Diameter of the reinforcing bar.


Strength of the steel used in the reinforcing bars.


Use Class to group reinforcement.

For example, you can display reinforcement of different classes in different colors.


Prefix for the part position number.

Start number

Start number for the part position number.

Stirrup type



The stirrup consists of a bent single reinforcing bar.

Define the hook length.

The default values (for the standard 90 degree stirrup hook) are read from the rebar_database.inp file.

Select a suitable overlap position for this stirrup type.

The stirrup consist of two overlapping U bars that face each other.

Define minimum and maximum overlapping length.

The stirrup consists of two overlapping U bars.

Define minimum and maximum overlapping length.

The transverse stirrup is one open U-bar.

Additional bars tab

Use the Additional bars tab to control the creation of additional bars in corbels, concrete cover thickness, and additional bar properties.

Additional bars



No additional bars.

One additional bar.

Two additional bars parallel to each other.

Two additional bars crossing each other.

Two pairs of additional bars crossing each other.

Stirrups and cover thickness

Define the distance from the concrete surface to the stirrups and the additional bar dimension.

Define the concrete cover thickness.




Strength of the steel used in the reinforcing bars.


Diameter of the reinforcing bar.


Define a name for the additional bars.

Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and reports.


Use Class to group reinforcement.

For example, you can display reinforcement of different classes in different colors.


Prefix for the part position number.

Start number

Start number for the part position number.

Rebar assembly tab

Use the Rebar assembly tab to add the created reinforcement as a rebar assembly to the cast units.

Create as rebar assembly

You can add the created reinforcement as a rebar assembly to the cast units with a predefined assembly type, name, prefix, and start number.

Option Description

Create as rebar assembly

Select Yes to create all reinforcement as one rebar assembly, and to include it to the cast unit of the input part.

Add to existing rebar assembly
  • Do not add: New rebar is added as a rebar assembly to the cast unit.

  • As single bars: Add all new rebars directly into an existing rebar assembly as rebars.
  • As sub-assembly: Add all new rebars to their own new rebar assembly, which is then included as a sub-assembly to the main rebar assembly.

Rebar assembly type

Select the rebar assembly type.

If you do not select the type, the default value of the rebar assembly is used.

Name, Profile, Start number

Define the name, profile, and start number.

If you do not define these, the default values of the rebar assembly are used.

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