Multiple Wire Size Mesh

Tekla Structures
Modified: 6 Dec 2022
Tekla Structures

Multiple Wire Size Mesh

Multiple Wire Size Mesh creates reinforcement meshes with multiple reinforcing bar sizes. The created reinforcement mesh is optimized for a mesh welding machine. Multiple Wire Size Mesh can be used for slabs and wall panels. The slabs and wall panels can be of any polygonal shape with any number of openings. The reinforcing bars in the mesh can be of different size, and the spacings between the bars can vary.

Objects created

  • Reinforcement meshes

Use for



Three zones of longitudinal reinforcing bars

Before you start

Create a polygon slab or a wall panel with any number of openings. Enter zone values to define the width of the area to be reinforced in both the longitudinal and crossing directions. Each direction can be divided up to five zones.

Selection order

  1. Select the main part (slab or wall panel).

    The reinforcement mesh is created automatically.

Mesh Parameters tab

Use the Mesh Parameters tab to control the mesh creation and cover thickness.



Define the concrete cover thickness.

Create Rebars

Define to which side of the slab or the wall panel the reinforcing bars are created.

Longitudinal Direction

Define whether the x or the y direction is used as the longitudinal direction when the reinforcing bars are created.

By default, the x direction is the longitudinal direction.

Longitudinal Wires/Crossing Wires tab

Use the Longitudinal Wires or the Crossing Wires tab to control the mesh creation in the longitudinal or the crossing direction, and the reinforcement zones.



Wire sizes

Define the sizes of the reinforcing bars used in the pattern.

Separate the sizes with a space.

Min overhang

Define the minimum length of the reinforcing bar extension.

Max overhang

Define the maximum length of the reinforcing bar extension.

Min spacing

Define the minimum space between the reinforcing bars.

The value must be divisible by the grid size.

For example, if the Min spacing is 150, Max spacing is 300 and the Grid size is 50, the spacings are 150, 200, 250 and 300.

Max spacing

Define the maximum space between the reinforcing bars.

The value must be divisible by the grid size.

For example, if the Min spacing is 150, Max spacing is 300 and the Grid size is 50, the spacings are 150, 200, 250 and 300

Grid size

Define the mesh grid size.

For example, if the Min spacing is 150, Max spacing is 300 and the Grid size is 50, the spacings are 150, 200, 250 and 300.

This value depends on the welding machine.

Min wire length

Define the minimum reinforcing bar length.

Min number of welding points

Define the minimum number of crossing reinforcing bar intersections.

Pattern width to fulfill

Define the width of the pattern that is filled with the mesh.

This value is used when the zone width is greater than the given value.

Zone width value type

Define the width of the area to be reinforced as a percentage of the whole slab or wall panel width, or as the actual length.

Width, Real width, Mesh area per length

Define the mesh width, real width and area per length in each zone.

Load pattern from file

Select the external text file where you have defined the patterns for longitudinal and crossing reinforcing bars.

If you use the external patterns file, Multiple Wire Size Mesh tries to determine a pattern with a suitable area per length value for every zone and apply these values to the zones.

Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to control the reinforcement properties in the longitudinal and in the crossing directions.




Define a prefix for the part position number.

Start Number

Define a starting number for the part position number.


Define the strength of the steel used in the reinforcing bars.


Define a name for the longitudinal and the crossing reinforcing bars.

Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and reports.


Use Class to group the longitudinal and the crossing reinforcing bars.

For example, you can display the longitudinal and the crossing reinforcing bars of different classes in different colors.

Configuration file for reinforcing bar patterns

Use an external text file to define the patterns for longitudinal and crossing reinforcing bars.

Every pattern starts from the Pattern line, followed by, for example, the pattern name. Each Bar Size and Spacing pair is on a separate row. The Bar Size and Spacing values are separated by a space.

The file has the following format:

< Pattern > < Name >

<Bar Size> <Spacing>

<Bar Size> <Spacing>


<Bar Size> <Spacing>


Pattern 1

10 200

10 200

8 100

8 300

10 400

Pattern 2

10 200

10 200

8 100

8 100

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