Add objects to cast units
You can use different methods to add objects to cast units. The available methods depend on the objects' material and on the hierarchy you want to create in the cast unit.
The default way of working is to use the Add to cast unit command. Using this command you can add concrete parts that need to be in the same casting unit. The parts retain their geometry and you can use them as input when modeling components, shown in drawings.
Use the Add as sub-assembly command to add embeds. Embeds are always added as sub-assemblies on a lower level in the cast unit hierarchy. Sub-assemblies can consist of one or multiple parts. In both cases the parts have to be added to a cast unit as sub-assemblies. Sub-assemblies in a cast unit retain their own assembly information and their main part. If in a precast cast unit the precast element consists of numerous shells or layers, the secondary cast units need to be added as sub-assemblies to the main cast unit.
Use the Attach to part command to attach one or more concrete parts to another part in the cast unit. Additionally, you can use the command to merge parts if you need them to be reported or drawn as one part.
To |
Do this |
Available for |
Add an object as a secondary part |
Concrete, timber, miscellaneous materials |
Add an object as a sub-assembly |
Steel, concrete, timber, miscellaneous materials |