Icons on the Quick Access Toolbar

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Icons on the Quick Access Toolbar

Quick Access Toolbar provides shortcut icons to the commonly used commands. The toolbar is located on top left corner of the screen.

If needed, you can customize the Quick Access Toolbar and add the commands of your choice to it.

Icon Description

Save changes to the current model file.

Undo the last action.

Redo the actions previously undone.

Open the Undo history dialog box. The dialog box lists the commands you have run and the modifications you have done. Use the list to undo or redo several commands or modifications at one go.

This icon is visible if you use Tekla Model Sharing.

Read in other users' model changes from the sharing service. Only the changed data is read in.

This icon is visible if you use Tekla Model Sharing.

Write out your model changes to the sharing service. Only new or changed data is written out.

The icon is visible if you use Tekla Model Sharing.

Show read in changes. After you have read in, a list of model changes is displayed.

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