Basic settings in the File menu

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Basic settings in the File menu

Use the toolbar settings and the switches in File menu > Settings to control some basic modeling and drawing settings.

  1. In the upper-left corner of the screen, click File.

  2. Go to Settings.

  3. Under User interface, Switches, or Toolbars, switch the options either on or off.

    In drawings, under Color mode, click one of the options to change the color mode to Black and white, Tekla Grayscale, or Color.

    For more information about drawing colors, see Colors in drawings.

Alternatively, you can use Quick Launch box to control the toolbars and the switches. Start typing the name of the toolbar or the switch, for example, smart, in the Quick Launch box and select the toolbar or the switch on the search results list to activate the setting.

User interface

  • Toolbars: Use the option buttons to adjust the size of the icons on the toolbars at the bottom of the screen, and at the same time the toolbar size.

  • Font size (Ribbon): Use the slider to adjust the ribbon font size. The default font size is 11p.




Smart select

Change how drag-and-drop works for object handles.

When the option is on, you can drag from object handles without selecting them first.

When the option is off, you must select the handles before dragging.

Drag & drop

Activate or inactivate the drag-and-drop command.

When the option is on, you can use drag-and-drop when copying or moving objects.

When the option is off, drag-and-drop cannot be used.

Middle button pan

Change the panning mode.

When the option is on, you can move the model or drawing using the middle mouse button.

When the option is off, you can move the model using the left mouse button.

Centered zooms

Change the zooming mode.

When the option is on, the center point of zooming is kept in the middle of the view, regardless of the mouse pointer position.

When the option is off, the mouse pointer position determines the center point of zooming.

Basic view auto rotation

Activate or inactivate the auto rotation of part and component 3D views.

When the option is on, Tekla Structures rotates the view once whenever you create a new 3D view of a part or component.

When the option is off, Tekla Structures does not rotate the view.

Crossing selection

Change how area selection works.

When the option is on, all objects that fall at least partially inside the rectangular area are selected, regardless of the dragging direction.

When the option is off, the dragging direction affects the selection of objects.

Rollover highlight

Switch the highlighting of objects on or off.

Depending on the rendering engine you are using, OpenGL or DirectX, Tekla Structures highlights the objects differently when rollover highlight is on.

When the option is on, Tekla Structures highlights selectable objects when you move the mouse pointer on them.

When the option is off, selectable objects are not highlighted.

Select on right-click

Change how objects can be selected.

When the option is on, you can select objects also with the right mouse button. Also the related context menu is displayed immediately.

When the option is off, you can select objects with the left mouse button.

Automatic rotation center

Define how the view point is set.

When the option is on, the view point changes whenever you click the middle mouse button.

When the option is off, the view point stays in a set position.


Activate or inactivate orthogonal snapping. Orthogonal snapping also works in drawings.

When the option is on, Tekla Structures snaps to the closest orthogonal point on the plane (0, 45, 90, 135, 180 degrees, and so on). The mouse pointer automatically snaps to positions at even distances in the given direction.

When the option is off, orthogonal snapping is not used.

Use legacy rendering

Activate or inactivate the DirectX rendering.

When the option is on, the legacy OpenGL rendering is used.

When the option is off, the DirectX rendering is used. DirectX rendering is better optimized for modern graphics cards.

The rendering setting is model view specific, which means that you can use a different rendering options in different model views. If you switch between the rendering options, you need to reopen the model view to activate the new value.

Hatching of overlapping surfaces

In the DirectX rendered model views, switch the hatching of overlapping surfaces on the same plane on or off.

When the option is on, the overlapping surfaces are visualized with a hatch, and you can detect duplicate objects or any overlapping parts.

When the option is off, the overlapping surfaces are not visualized.

Hatching is shown in views whose rendering option is Parts rendered / Components rendered (Ctrl/Shift+4).

If you switch the option on or off, you need to reopen the view to activate the new value.

Dashed line for hidden line

In the DirectX rendered model views, show or hide dashed lines for part edge lines when the part edge lines are hidden behind another part.

When the option is on, the dashed lines are shown, making it easier to see, for example, if the part flange is facing towards or away from the web, or, in more complex 3D views, which part is on top of which.

Using the dashed lines also increases Tekla Structures performance in the transparent views.

When the option is off, the dashed lines are not shown and the performance effect is removed.

Dashed lines can be shown in all views whose rendering option is one of the following:

  • Parts wireframe / Components wireframe (Ctrl/Shift+1)

  • Parts shaded wireframe / Components shaded wireframe (Ctrl/Shift+2)

  • Parts grayscale / Components grayscale (Ctrl/Shift+3)

  • Show only selected part / Show only selected component (Ctrl/Shift+5).

If you switch the option on or off, you need to reopen the view to activate the new value.


Show or hide the tooltips.

When the option is on, a small window with examples, hints, and tips appears when you rest the mouse pointer on a command.

When the option is off, no tooltips appear.

Snap tooltips

Show or hide the snap tooltips.

When the option is on and you start a command that requires picking points, Tekla Structures displays a snap tooltip that shows the name of the snap point.

When the option is off, no snap tooltips appear.

The following settings are available only in the drawing mode:



Printer line widths

Show on the screen the drawing lines with the defined line thickness in Color and Tekla grayscale color modes.

The Black and white color mode always shows the printer line thicknesses on the screen, whereas Color and Tekla grayscale color modes only show the printer line thicknesses on the screen if the Printer line widths switch is enabled.

When the option is on, the lines in color and grayscale modes are shown with defined thickness.

When the option is off, the lines in color and grayscale modes are shown with default thickness.

Printer line colors

Show line colors in the drawing. Selecting this setting shows the changed drawing line colors immediately in drawings.

Ghost outline

Show hidden objects in drawings as ghost outlines in Color drawings. In Tekla grayscale and Black and white drawings, hidden objects are not shown even if Ghost outline is selected.

When the option is on, hidden lines are shown as ghost outlines.

When the option is off, hidden lines are not shown.

Associativity symbol

Shows which drawing objects are associative and automatically updated. Associativity symbols are shown only when you select a drawing object, for example a dimension.

Objects that do not have valid association get a ghost associativity symbol and a question mark.

When the option is on, associativity symbols are shown.

When the option is off, associativity symbols are not shown.

Dimension creation associativity

Activate the dimension creation associativity functionality, which displays and allows you to change the dimension associativity rule for each dimension point separately during the manual dimensioning of the drawing objects.

Drawing drag & drop

Activate or inactivate the drag-and-drop command in drawings.

When the option is on, you can use drag-and-drop when moving objects such as annotations, sketch objects and grid lines without selecting the objects or handles first.

When the option is off, you need to select the objects or handles first before you can drag.


Use the toolbar switches to switch the selected toolbars on and off:

  • Snapping toolbar

  • Snap override toolbar

  • Selecting toolbar

  • Work plane handler toolbar

  • Model search toolbar

  • Contextual toolbar

By default, the toolbars are located at the bottom of the screen.

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