Formwork placing tools - Slabs: configuration
You can set up your own configuration files for Formwork placing tools - Slabs.
The configuration is done by using comma separated files (.csv), which can be edited with Microsoft Excel or any standard text editor. Each separate formwork sub-tool component has its own configuration file.
The configuration files can be located in any of the system folders, or in the sub-folder called Formwork tools in the current model folder.
Example configuration files are located in the ...\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\Environments\common\system\CIP\Formwork folder.
The configuration files are typically named by the formwork supplier and/or the product families. There can be any number of files, and the files are identified with a specific suffix. Each of the files controls one of the sub-tools in the component. The files contain a varying number of columns.
Use the following configuration files for Formwork placing tools - Slabs to set up
panels: xxxx.FormworkTools.SlabPanels.csv
girders: xxxx.FormworkTools.Girders.csv
prop parts of shuttering props: xxxx.FormworkTools.Props.csv
prop bases of shuttering props: xxxx.FormworkTools.PropBases.csv
prop heads of shuttering props: xxxx.FormworkTools.PropHeads.csv
stop ends: xxxx.FormworkTools.StopEnds.csv
safety railings: xxxx.FormworkTools.Railings.csv
Accessories in formwork placing tools
You can set up any formwork accessory to be created as a beam, an item, or as a custom part. For beams and items you can additionally set up any of the beam or items properties or UDAs either in the configuration file by adding new columns, or as property files.
Each configuration file contains a header row and data rows. The header row is the first row that is not a comment row, and it gives the configuration parameter names (column name). Each data row gives one product and defines the parameters used when placing the beam, item or custom part.
In addition to header row and data rows the file can contain comment rows. A comment row is any row starting with text //.
You can define the distance unit by adding a row:
When the distance unit is defined using the above setting, all distance values can be given as decimal values in the specified units. The supported units are: MM, DN, CM, M, INCH, FEET.
The following accessories are available for different Formwork placings tools - Slabs product types.
Product type | Accessory |
Panel |
Panel Part |
Girder |
Girder Beam |
Prop |
Prop |
Base |
Base |
Head |
Head |
Stop end |
Sheet Angle |
Railing |
Post Shoe ToeBoard GuardRail |
Common configuration parameter fields
To configure the accessories in any of the formwork product types, define the following fields in the .csv configuration file.
The text [Accessory] in the following table denotes the accessory in question.
Column name in the .csv file | Description |
[Accessory].Profile [Accessory].Item [Accessory].CustomPart |
Formwork placing tools can place either beams, items, or custom parts to the model. If all products are of the same model object type you can use one of the three field names and give the corresponding data value. The field name specifies the model object default type but you can also override the model object type by adding the prefix BEAM:, ITEM: or CUSTOMPART: for the actual value. The actual value for BEAM: is a valid profile string, for ITEM: a valid item shape name, and for CUSTOMPART: a valid custom part name. |
[Accessory].Attributes |
Saved property file used to set either part, item or custom part properties. |
[Accessory].Name |
Name of the part or the item, or the Name property of the custom part. |
[Accessory].Class |
Class of the part or the item, or the Class property of the custom part. |
[Accessory].Material |
Material of the part or the item, or the Material property of the custom part. |
[Accessory].AssPrefix |
Part or item numbering assembly prefix, or the AssPrefix property of the custom part. |
[Accessory].AssStartNo |
Part or item assembly start number, or the AssStartNo property of the custom part. |
[Accessory].PartPrefix |
Part or item numbering part prefix, or the PartPrefix property of the custom part. |
[Accessory].PartStartNo |
Part or item part start number, or the PartStartNo property of the custom part. |
[Accessory].Finish |
Finish of the part or the item, or the Finish property of the custom part. |
[Accessory].InputOrder |
Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
[Accessory].PlanePosition |
This is Position in plane when the beam, item, or custom part is inserted in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
[Accessory].PlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
[Accessory].Rotation |
This is Rotation when the custom part is inserted in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
[Accessory].RotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
[Accessory].DepthPosition |
This is Position at depth when the beam, item, or custom part is inserted in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
[Accessory].DepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
[Accessory].StartOffset |
Offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
[Accessory].EndOffset |
Offset of the actual end point from the generic end point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
[Accessory].UDA.XXXXXX |
Define additional UDA values applied to the model objects. You can introduce as many UDA values as needed. Note that the UDA name (XXXXX) must be the internal name, not the localized name shown in the user interface. |
Configure the slab panel placing tool
Add one row for each panel. Specify columns as follows. For a slab panel, you can specify one custom part that is placed if the panel is a full panel, and part properties used for placing a filler part at locations where the panel is not a full panel.
The configuration is done in the local coordinate system of the panel. The origin of the panel is located at the center point of the top of the panel.
Column | Definition |
Supplier |
Supplier name, this is typically the same for all rows. The name is shown in the Formwork supplier list. |
Family |
Family name, which is shown in the Product family list. |
Name |
Unique panel name, which is shown in the Formwork panel list. |
PanelName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. This is the custom part that the panel configuration will use. |
PanelAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted into model. |
PanelInputOrder |
Define the orientation of the custom part panels by specifying where the start and end handles of the custom part will go. Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
PanelPlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT and RIGHT. |
PanelPlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
PanelRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
PanelRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
PanelDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
PanelDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
PanelStartOffset |
PanelStartOffset and PanelEndOffset change the location of the actual start and end handles of the custom part. PanelStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
PanelEndOffset |
PanelEndOffset is the offset of the actual end point from the generic end point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
LengthProperty |
The name of the length property in the custom part. If the length is fixed, this is empty. |
LengthValue |
Length of the panel. Note that the length value is read from the .csv file. |
WidthProperty |
The name of the width property in the custom part. If the width is fixed, this is empty. |
WidthValue |
Width of the panel. Note that the width value is read from the .csv file. |
ThicknessProperty |
The name of the thickness property in the custom part. If the thickness is fixed, this is empty. |
ThicknessValue |
Thickness of the panel. Note that the thickness value is read from the .csv file. |
CrossGirderX |
The girder values control the default spacing of the girders visible in the Add shoring dialog box. The values in the .csv file are taken from the center of the panel. CrossGirderX specifies the default x locations of the cross girders. Values must be enclosed in parentheses () and separated by spaces. |
MainGirderY |
MainGirderY specifies the default y locations of the main girders. Values must be enclosed in parentheses () and separated by spaces. |
PartName |
The following part properties refer to the properties of the defined filler parts used when the custom parts cannot fill the whole slab area. Name of the panel part (contour plate). |
PartClass |
Class of the part. |
PartFinish |
Finish of the part. |
PartMaterial |
Material of the part. |
PartThickness |
Thickness of the part. |
PartAssPrefix |
Assembly prefix. |
PartAssStartNo |
Assembly start number. |
PartPartPrefix |
Part prefix. |
PartPartStartNo |
Part start number. |
Configure the girder line tool
For a girder, you can specify either a custom part or a beam which is placed in the model.
The position settings are given in the local coordinate system of the girder.
Column | Definition |
Supplier |
Supplier name, which is typically the same for all rows. The name is shown in the Formwork supplier list. |
Family |
Family name, which is shown in the Product family list. |
Name |
Girder name, which is shown in the Girder name list. This name can be unique, or you can specify two or more girders with the same name. If one girder name has two or more specifications, the placing tool may create a line containing girders with variable lengths. |
Type |
The type of the girder. The type defines the list in which the girder is shown. The options are: CROSS, MAIN and ANY. |
Length |
Length (x) of the girder. Note that the length value is read from the .csv file. |
Width |
Width (y) of the girder. Note that the value is read from the .csv file. |
Depth |
Depth (z) of the girder. Note that the depth value is read from the .csv file. |
MinLength |
If the length varies, this is the minimum length of the girder. |
MaxLength |
If the length varies, this is the maximum length of the girder. |
MinOverlap |
When two or more girders are placed in one girder line, the girders can overlap to achieve the exact start and end for the line. The MinOverlap value controls the minimum overlap. |
MaxOverlap |
When two or more girders are placed in one girder line, the girders can overlap to achieve the exact start and end for the line. The MaxOverlap value controls the maximum overlap. If the girders should not overlap, enter 0 as the value. |
InputPointLocation |
The depth location of girder input points. The options are:
GirderName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. This is the custom part that the girder configuration will use. |
GirderAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted into model. |
GirderInputOrder |
Define the orientation of the custom part girders by specifying where the start and end handles of the custom part will go. Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
GirderPlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
GirderPlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
GirderRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
GirderRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
GirderDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
GirderDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
GirderStartOffset |
GirderStartOffset and GirderEndOffset change the location of the actual start and end handle points of the custom part. GirderStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
GirderEndOffset |
GirderEndOffset is the offset of the actual end point from the generic end point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
GirderLengthProperty |
The name of the length property in the custom part. If the length is fixed, this is empty. |
GirderWidthProperty |
The name of the width property in the custom part. If the width is fixed, this is empty. |
GirderDepthProperty |
The name of the depth property in the custom part. If the width is fixed, this is empty. |
BeamName |
Name of the girder part (beam). |
BeamProfile |
Profile of the beam. If this is empty, the beam is not created. |
BeamClass |
Class of the girder part. |
BeamFinish |
Finish of the girder part. |
BeamMaterial |
Material of the girder part. |
BeamThickness |
Thickness of the girder part. |
BeamAssPrefix |
Assembly prefix. |
BeamAssStartNo |
Assembly start number. |
BeamPartPrefix |
Part prefix. |
BeamPartStartNo |
Part start number. |
Configure the shuttering prop placing tool
For a prop, you can specify a custom part that is placed in the model. In addition, a shuttering prop may contain the base and head parts, but these are configured in separate files (xxxx.FormworkTools.PropBases.csv and xxxx.FormworkTools.PropHeads.csv).
The position settings are given in the local coordinate system of the prop.
Column | Definition |
Supplier |
Supplier name, which is typically the same for all rows. The name is shown in the Formwork supplier list. |
Family |
Family name, which is shown in the Product family list. |
Name |
Prop name, which is shown in the Prop name list. This name can be unique, or you can specify two or more props with the same name. If one prop name has two or more specifications, the placing tool can select the suitable prop based on the effective height of the shuttering. |
MinHeight |
The height of the prop from the bottom of the base prop to the bottom of the concrete slab. If the length varies, this is the minimum length. For a prop with fixed height the MinHeightand MaxHeight are same. |
MaxHeight |
If the length varies, this is the maximum length. |
PropInputPoint |
The location of the first input point of the custom part. The options are:
PropInputPoint2 |
The location of the second input point of the custom part. If you use value None, the second input point is calculated as an offset PropEndOffset from the first input point. |
PropHeightProperty |
The name of the prop height property in the custom part. This is empty if the height is not parametric. |
PropName |
The name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. This is the custom part that the prop configuration will use. |
PropAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted into model. |
PropInputOrder |
Define the orientation of the custom part prop by specifying where the start and end handles of the custom part will go. Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
PropPlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
PropPlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
PropRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
PropRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
PropDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
PropDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
PropStartOffset |
PropStartOffset and PropEndOffset change the location of the actual start and end handle points of the custom part. PropStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
PropEndOffset |
PanelEndOffset is the offset of the actual end point from the generic end point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. If the PropEndOffset value is not given, or the value None is used, PropEndOffset is an offset from the first input point to the second input point. |
Configure the base parts of the shuttering prop placing tool
For a shuttering prop, you can specify an additional custom part that is placed in the model at the bottom end of the prop.
The position settings are given in the local coordinate system of the prop.
Column | Definition |
Supplier |
Supplier name, which is typically the same for all rows. The name is shown in the Formwork supplier list. |
Family |
Family name, which is shown in the Product family list. |
Name |
Unique prop base name, which is shown in the Base name list. |
PropInputPoint |
The location of the first input point of the custom part. The options are:
PropOffset |
Automatic offset (shortening) of the prop if the base part is created. |
BaseName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. |
BaseAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted into model. |
BaseInputPoint |
The location of the first input point of the custom part. The options are:
The second input point of the custom part is calculated as an offset BaseEndOffset from the first input point. |
PropInputOrder |
Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
BasePlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
BasePlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
BaseRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
BaseRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
BaseDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
BaseDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
BaseStartOffset |
BaseStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
BaseEndOffset |
BaseEndOffset specifies the location of the second input point of the custom part in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. |
Configure the head parts of the shuttering prop placing tool
For a shuttering prop, you can specify an additional custom part that is placed in the model at the top end of the prop.
The position settings are given in the local coordinate system of the prop.
Column | Definition |
Supplier |
Supplier name, which is typically the same for all rows. The name is shown in the Formwork supplier list. |
Family |
Family name, which is shown in the Product family list. |
Name |
Unique prop head name, which is shown in the Head name list. |
PropOffset |
Automatic offset (shortening) of the prop if the head part is created. |
AutoRotate |
Control whether the head part is rotated automatically 90 degrees around the prop axis when the head is located at the overlap of two girders. Set this value to YES to get the head rotated 90 degrees. Note that this only controls the rotation when you have not given any specific value for the rotation in the dialog box. |
HeadName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. |
HeadAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted into model. |
HeadInputPoint |
The location of the first input point of the custom part. The options are:
The second input point of the custom part is calculated as an offset HeadEndOffset from the first input point. |
HeadInputOrder |
Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
HeadPlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
HeadPlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
HeadRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
HeadRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
HeadDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
HeadDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
HeadStartOffset |
HeadStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
HeadEndOffset |
HeadEndOffset specifies the location of the second input point of the custom part in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. The offset is given as x, y and z values separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. |
Configure the stop end custom parts for the stop end placing tool
For a stop end, you can specify two custom parts: a sheet and an angle. The sheet is typically the actual form piece, and the angles are placed with a spacing to support the sheet.
The position settings are given in the local coordinate system of the stop end.
Column | Definition |
Supplier |
Supplier name, this is typically the same for all rows. The name is shown in the Formwork supplier list. |
Family |
Family name, which is shown in the Product family list. |
Name |
Unique stop end name, which is shown in the Stop end name list. |
MinLength |
Minimum length of the stop end sheet part. |
MaxLength |
Maximum length of the stop end sheet part. |
Width |
Total width of the stop end including the angles. |
Depth |
Total depth of the stop end. |
AngleSpacing |
Default spacing of the angle parts. This will be used if you do not specify any value for the spacing. |
SheetName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. |
SheetAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted into model. |
SheetInputOrder |
Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
SheetPlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
SheetPlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
SheetRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
SheetRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
SheetDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
SheetDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
SheetStartOffset |
SheetStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
SheetEndOffset |
SheetEndOffset specifies the location of the second input point of the custom part in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. |
AngleName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. |
AngleInputOrder |
Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
AnglePlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
AnglePlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
AngleRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
AngleRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
AngleDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
AngleDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
AngleStartOffset |
AngleStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
AngleEndOffset |
This offset specifies the location of the second input point (of the custom part) in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. The offset is given as x, y and z values separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. AngleEndOffset specifies the location of the second input point of the custom part in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. |
Configure the railing custom parts for the railing placing tool
For a railing, you can specify four custom parts. The post and the shoe parts are placed along the input line with the defined start distance and spacing. The toe board and one or more guard rail parts are placed between two posts. If the toe board and/or the guard rail part is long enough compared to the post spacing, they can span over three or more posts.
The position settings are given in the local coordinate system of the railing.
Column | Definition |
Supplier |
Supplier name, this is typically the same for all rows. The name is shown in the Formwork supplier list. |
Family |
Family name, which is shown in the Product family list. |
Name |
Railing type name, which is shown in the Railing name list. You can specify multiple railings with the same name when you have two or more alternatives with different lengths for the toe board and/or guard rail. When you have alternative lengths for the toe board and/or guard rail, the placing tool selects the part automatically based on the post spacing. |
MasterInput |
The location of the first input point when placing the railing. The options are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value PanelTop is used. |
MainOffset |
The common offset of all parts (post, shoe, and so on). The offset is a vector with components x, y, z given in the local coordinate system of the railing. |
PostSpacing |
Default spacing of the posts if no spacing is specified. |
PostSpacing |
Height of the post. |
ToeBoardOverlap |
Minimum overlap of toe boards. |
ToeBoardOverlapOffset |
Offset (x, y, z) of the toe boards when they are overlapping. |
GuardOverlap |
Minimum overlap of guard rails. |
GuardOverlapOffset |
Offset (x, y, z) of the guard rails when they are overlapping. |
GuardPositions |
The railing can include one or more rows of guard rails. This setting specifies the height (z) positions of the guard rail parts measured from the input line. Multiple values must be separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (450 650 850). |
PostName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. |
PostAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted in the model. |
PostPlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
PostPlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
PostRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
PostRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
PostDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
PostDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
PostStartOffset |
PostStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
PostEndOffset |
PostEndOffset specifies the location of the second input point of the custom part in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. |
ShoeName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. |
ShoeAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted in the model. |
ShoePlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
ShoePlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
ShoeRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
ShoeRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
ShoeDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
ShoeDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
ShoeStartOffset |
ShoeStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
ShoeEndOffset |
ShoeEndOffset specifies the location of the second input point of the custom part in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. |
ToeBoardName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. |
ToeBoardAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted in the model. |
ToeBoardLength |
The effective length of the toe board part. |
ToeBoardInputOrder |
Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
ToeBoardPlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
ToeBoardPlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
ToeBoardRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
ToeBoardRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
ToeBoardDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
ToeBoardDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
ToeBoardStartOffset |
ToeBoardStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
ToeBoardEndOffset |
ToeBoardEndOffset specifies the location of the second input point of the custom part in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. |
GuardRailName |
Name of the custom part that will be inserted in the model. |
GuardRailAttributes |
Property file saved in the component dialog box to be used when the custom part is inserted into model. |
GuardRailLength |
The effective length of the guard rail part. |
GuardRailInputOrder |
Set the final locations of the input points in relation to the default generic start and end points. Note that the generic start and end points are located in the local z direction based on the setting. The possible values are:
Note that if the .csv file does not contain any value, the default value StartEnd is used. |
GuardRailPlanePosition |
Use the following position values to define the custom part's position, offset and rotation in relation to the custom part start and end points. Use Position in plane to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, LEFT, and RIGHT. |
GuardRailPlaneOffset |
Offset on plane. The default value is 0. |
GuardRailRotation |
Use Rotation to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are FRONT, TOP, BACK, and BELOW. |
GuardRailRotationOffset |
Rotation offset in degrees. The default value is 0. |
GuardRailDepthPosition |
Use Position at depth to insert the custom part in the plane view. The options are MIDDLE, FRONT, and BEHIND. |
GuardRailDepthOffset |
Offset at depth. The default value is 0. |
GuardRailStartOffset |
GuardRailStartOffset is the offset of the actual start point from the generic start point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, a zero offset (0 0 0) is used. |
GuardRailEndOffset |
GuardRailEndOffset specifies the location of the second input point of the custom part in relation to the first input point in the local coordinate system. Give the offset as x, y and z values that are separated by a space or a colon, and enclosed in parentheses (0 100 0). If no value is given, zero offset (100 0 0) is used. |