Show neighbor parts in drawings
You can select which neighbor parts to show in drawings and also automatically extend the view boundary if necessary.
Neighbor parts refer to (optionally shown) parts that are close to the part that is depicted in a drawing. Depending on settings, the neighbor parts may be parts somehow connected to the part in question, or just parts that happen to be close by.
For more information about neighbor part properties, see Part and neighbor part properties in drawings.
If you do not want to see neighbor part extensions in drawing views, set the advanced option
Show neighbor parts in drawing views
In the following example, View extension for neighbor parts is set to 100. No neighbor parts are located in this area.
Show neighbor parts in general arrangement drawings
In GA drawings, you need to define neighbor parts using neighbor part filters because neighbor parts are not automatically detected. The parts that fulfill the filtering criteria will be treated as neighbor parts. You must also define a filter for normal parts to get the neighbor parts working.