Define the views to create in single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings
Before you create single-part, assembly or cast unit drawings, you need to select the views that you want to include automatically. You can select to create some or all of the main views, section views, end views, and 3D views. At the same time, you can set the necessary view properties.
To select the drawing views to be created and set the view properties:
- On the Drawings & reports tab, click Drawing properties and select the drawing type.. Select single-part, cast-unit or assembly drawing.
- Load the drawing properties file that you want to modify from the list at the top.
- Click View creation.
Go to the
Attributes tab and change the settings as required.
These settings apply to all views in the drawing. Here you can select the coordinate system, set the coordinate system rotation, and undeform warped or cambered parts.
On the
Views tab, select the views you want to create. You can create as many views as you like.
If you select Off, Tekla Structures does not create the view, but dimensions the parts in the available views. If you set all four main views off, Tekla Structures will still create one front view.
If you select On, Tekla Structures always creates the view, even if it was not necessary in order to show the dimensions. For section views, Tekla Structures creates one additional section view showing the middle of the main part. For end views, Tekla Structures creates an end view from one end of the main part.
If you select Auto, Tekla Structures creates the view if it is necessary in order to show the dimensions. For section views, Tekla Structures creates the necessary number of views to show all the dimensions. For end views, Tekla Structures also creates another end view from the other end of the main part, if there are dimensions at that end.
For each of the views that you create, select the view properties that you want to use in the
View properties column.
Note that if you have selected Auto in the on/off column as the creation method, Tekla Structures will use the standard view properties even if you define another view property file here.
The lists contain predefined view properties for different types of drawings, also the view properties that you save in the View Properties dialog. For more information about view properties, see View properties in drawings.
- Check the view properties for each view by selecting the view from the list and clicking View properties button, and modify the properties as required.
Check the settings on the
Attributes 1 tab in
View Properties.
Here you can set the view scale and size, view extension distance, view place, and rotation of 3D views, show a reflected view and apply detailed object level settings for the selected view.
Check the settings on the
Attributes 2 tab in
View Properties.
Here you can undeform warped or cambered parts, shorten parts, show openings and recesses, select whether to se the location by the model origin or a base point, set the datum point for elevations and select the dimension creation method in the selected view.
Check the settings on the
Label tab in
View Properties.
Here you can define the label text and position, add a symbol in the label and show the view direction marks in the selected view.
- Go throug the options in the options tree, and modify dimensioning, protection, mark and building object settings as required.
- Save the view properties by clicking Save.
- To close the view properties, click Close.
Define how you want to place the views in your drawing:
- In the drawing properties, click Layout and select the desired Projection type. The selected projection type affects the order of the views in the drawing.
- To define the location of section views and end views, in the Layout properties, select Yes or No for the Align section views with main view and Align end views with main view settings.
- To define the orientation of the parts in the drawing views, click View creation, on the Attributes tab, select the desired Coordinate System. If you select model, the column views will be placed horizontally, otherwise they will be placed vertically. This is also affected by the advanced option XS_USE_VERTICAL_PLACING_FOR_COLUMNS_IN.
- If you want to specify the rotation of the section views, use the advanced option XS_ROTATE_CUT_VIEWS
- The advanced options XS_DISABLE_VIEW_CENTERING_ASSEMBLY and XS_DISABLE_VIEW_CENTERING_SINGLE also affect the placement of the views.
- Click Save to save the drawing properties, then click OK and create the drawing.