Pad footing reinforcement (77)

Tekla Structures
Modified: 14 Nov 2024
Tekla Structures

Pad footing reinforcement (77)

Pad footing reinforcement (77) creates reinforcement for a concrete pad footing.

Bars created

  • Bars in two directions for the bottom surface of the pad footing

  • Lacer bars

Use for


More information

Rectangular footing, 90-degree hooks at the primary bar ends, 180-degree hooks at the secondary bar ends, no lacer bars.

Rectangular footing, three zones of primary bars with different spacing, straight bar ends, three lacer bars.

Footing skewed on two sides, two groups of lacer bars with different spacing.

Rectangular footings with or without cut corners, footings that are skewed on one or both sides

Pad footing and pile cap shapes

Pad footing and pile cap shapes

Use the Pad footing (77) to create reinforcement for the following shapes of foundations:




Skewed on two sides

Skewed on one side

Rectangular with cut corners

Before you start

  • Create the concrete pad footing.

  • Calculate the required area of reinforcement.

Selection order

  1. Select the concrete pad footing.

Add a pad footing reinforcement using Pad footing reinforcement (77)

  1. Create a pad footing.
  2. Click the Applications & components button in the side pane to open the Applications & components catalog.
  3. Enter pad footing in the search box.
  4. Select Pad footing reinforcement (77).
  5. Select the pad footing.

    Tekla Structures inserts the lacer bar and bottom reinforcement in the pad footing.

Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define the conrete cover thickness.

Enter the concrete cover thicknesses on the plane and from the plane.

Mesh alignment

Option Description

Square mesh

Set the alignment of the secondary bars of the created mesh perpendicular to the primary bars.

Mesh aligned to both sides

Align the primary and secondary bars to the skewed edges.

Primary/Secondary bar tab

Use Primary/Secondary bar tabs to define the bar properties.

Pad footings

In pad footings, you can arrange the main reinforcing bars into:

  • One zone of bars that have the same bar properties

  • Three zones of bars that have different bar properties

You set the options separately for primary and secondary bars. Select an option from the Arrangement list box.


Select to create hooks from Left end hook and Right end hook.

You can create the hooks as custom hooks from dropdown list.

Lacer bar tab

Use the Lacer bar tab to define the lacer bar properties.

Lacer bars are reinforcing bars that loop around the sides of a concrete footing.

You can create up to six different groups of lacer bars in a footing. Each group can contain different values for:

  • Grade

  • Bar size

  • Number of bars

  • Spacing

  • Shape

  • Dimensions

To create lacer bars for a footing:

  1. Open the footing reinforcement properties dialog and click the Lacer bars tab.

  2. In the Lacer bar option list box, select Yes to create lacer bars.

  3. Enter properties for each lacer bar group:



Quantity, spacing, and location of lacer bar groups.

Tekla Structures only uses information from some of the fields, in this order of priority:

  1. Number of bars and Spacing

  2. Number of bars, Start, and End

  3. Spacing, Start, and End


The number and location of laps. The options are:


The options are Default, Front, and Back.



The exact locations and lengths of lacer bar laps. Locations are measured from the corner of the bar to the midpoints of laps.

The location of the topmost lacer bar, measured from the end of main bars.

Entering a value here overrides the location defined in the End field.

Attributes tab

Use the Attributes tab to define numbering properties.




Prefix for the part position number.

Start number

Start number for the part position number.


Tekla Structures uses the name in drawings and reports.


Use the Class to group reinforcement.

For example, you can display reinforcement of different classes in different colors.

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