Embed (1008)
Embed (1008) creates one or more embeds in concrete parts. You can create multiple embeds to be used as lifting anchors with one insertion point.
Objects created
- Embeds
- Reinforcing bars
Use for
Situation | Description |
Embeds |
Selection order
- Select a concrete part.
- Pick one point on the part face
where you want to insert the embed.
The detail is created automatically when you pick the point.
Picture tab
Use the Picture tab to control the embed dimensions, connection method and rotation.
Embed dimensions
Define if the embed needs to be recessed. You can define the dimensions of the recess, distance from the recess plane to the top of the embed, select the shape of the cutout and whether the cutouts are handled as empty cutouts or cutouts with a formwork part.
Option | Example |
Circle |
Half moon X |
Square |
Half moon Y |
Top part/Bottom part
Set the part class and rotation. Each option rotates the embed 90 degrees counterclockwise. You can define also a fixed rotation angle.
How to connect top part to concrete element
Select whether the top part of the embed is created, and if set to Yes, select how the part is connected to the concrete part.
How to connect bottom part
Select whether the bottom part of the embed is created, and if set to Yes, select how the part is connected to the concrete part.
Select a custom part from the Applications & components catalog
Select a custom part from the Applications & components catalog to be used as embed. To use saved custom component properties, select the saved properties file.
Use the Yes and subassembly option to add the embed as a subassembly to the main part. The default direction is 2 point +x.
Top part tab
Use the Top part tab to define the top part of the embed.
Top part dimensions
Use the diameter and height boxes to define the shape of the top part of the embed. You can define the main diameters of parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also on the Parts tab.
Embed top part defined on the Top part tab, embed bottom part defined on the Bottom part tab.
Bottom part tab
Use the Bottom part tab to define the bottom part of the embed.
Bottom part dimensions
Use the diameter and height boxes to define the shape of the bottom part of the embed. You can define the main diameters of parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 also on the Parts tab.
For examples, see Top part tab.
Parts tab
Use the Parts tab to define the embed top and bottom part profiles and the formwork part properties.
Part properties
Both the top and the bottom part are build from multiple profiles. You can define profiles for each section.
Define the part properties for the top, bottom and formwork part. If the profile properties are left empty, the lengths and diameters defined on the Top Part and Bottom Part tabs are used.
Option |
Description |
t, b, h |
Define the part thickness, width and height. |
Pos_No |
Define a prefix and a start number for the part position number. |
Material |
Define the material grade. |
Name |
Define a name for the part. |
Comment |
Add a comment for the part. |
You can define UDAs for the top and bottom parts.
Placement tab
Use the Placement tab to define the embed placing, positioning and embed distribution.
Select how to position the top and the bottom part of the embed.
Define the placing type of the embed. Depending on the component insertion points, multiple embeds can be created.
Option | Description |
Embed is placed on a selected position point. |
Embed is placed on a center of gravity (COG) point in the part length direction. |
Multiple embeds. Define dimensions a and b. Reference = COG |
Define dimensions
a and b as
percentages of the part length. Reference = COG |
Embed is placed in the middle of the part, along the length of the concrete part. |
Multiple embeds. Define dimension a as a percentage of the total part length. Reference = COG |
Embed is placed in the middle of the part. |
Define dimensions
a and b. Reference = middle of the part |
Define dimensions
a and b as
percentages of the part length. Reference = middle of the part |
Define dimensions
a and b. The distances are from the embeds to the part ends. |
Define dimensions
a and b as percentages of the
part length. The distances are from the embeds to the part ends. |
Define embed dimensions a and b.
Center of gravity
Define concrete part COG (center of gravity) for the embeds.
Number of extra anchors
The spacing distance between multiple embeds.
Reinforcing bar tab
Use the Reinforcing bar tab to define extra reinforcing bars for the embeds.
You can define the reinforcing bar shape properties, and the reinforcing bar profile properties in two directions.
You can define the number, shape, dimension and covering thickness of the reinforcing bars.
Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to define bar properties for reinforcing bars A and B.
Reinforcing bar properties
Option |
Description |
Comment |
Add a comment for the reinforcing bars. |
Name |
Define a name that is shown in drawings and reports. |
Class |
Define the part class number for the reinforcing bars. |
Serie |
Define a prefix for the part position number. |
Start number |
Define a start number for the part position number. |
Create as rebar assembly
You can add the created reinforcement as a rebar assembly to the cast units with a predefined assembly type, name, prefix, and start number.
Option | Description |
Create as rebar assembly |
Select Yes to create all reinforcement as one rebar assembly, and to include it to the cast unit of the input part. |
Add to existing rebar assembly |
Rebar assembly type |
Select the rebar assembly type. If you do not select the type, the default value of the rebar assembly is used. |
Name, Profile, Start number |
Define the name, profile, and start number. If you do not define these, the default values of the rebar assembly are used. |
Click the Bolts button to open the Bolts dialog where you can define extra embeds and embed offsets.
Embed (1008) uses only the Horizontal Dist. and Vertical Dist. options, the other options are not taken into account.
In the example below, the bolt placement uses fixed dimensions from part edges, defined on the Placement tab. Extra embeds are defined in the Bolts dialog.
Optionally, you can also use the Sec/first and Positioning options to define a distance from the edge of the beam.
General tab
Click the link below to find out more:
Analysis tab
Click the link below to find out more: