Border rebar for single edge (93)
Border rebar for single edge (93) creates pin bars (U bars) and edge bars on the edge of a concrete part.
Objects created
Pin bars (U bars)
Edge bars
Use for
Use this component to create pin bars in a concrete part.
Example beam |
Example concrete panel |
Example floor |
Example shapes of rebars |
Before you start
Create the concrete part where you want to place the border rebars, usually a wall panel or a slab.
Selection order
Select the part where you want to create the border rebars.
Pick two input points on the desired edge of the part.
Pins tab
Use the Pins tab to define the properties of the pin bars.
Option |
Description |
Grade |
Define the grade. This setting is connected to the Size setting. |
Size |
Define the size. Click the ... button to open the Select rebar dialog. Selecting the size also affects the Grade value. |
End conditions left End conditions right |
Select the end hook type for the left and right side of the pin bar.
Bend lengths left |
Define the length of the left end extension. To define the length, select some other value than Default in End conditions left. |
Bend lengths right |
Define the length of the right end extension. To define the length, select some other value than Default in End conditions right. |
Shape of pin bars
Description | |
1 |
Select the shape of the pin bars. |
2 |
Define the vertical dimensions. |
3 |
Select if both bars 1 and 2 are created, or only one of them. |
Pin bar direction for bevel edges
Select the direction of pin bars for bevel edges.
Define the pin bar dimensions.
Pin bar direction
Select the pin direction. This setting depends on the selected pin bar shape.
Pin spacing tab
Use the Pin spacing tab to define the pin bar creation and distribution along the concrete part.
Pin zones
You can define six zones for the pin bar distribution. For each zone, you can define the number of pin bars.
Description | |
1 |
Set the pin bar offset from the sides. |
2 |
Define which pin bars are created. The bars illustrated as dots are not created. |
Pin bar zone settings
Option | Description |
Number of spaces |
Define how many spacings are created for the zone. |
Space |
Define the spacing value for the zone. |
Length |
Define the length of the zone. Length is used if Number of spaces is left empty. |
Horizontal space |
Define the horizontal spacing of pin bars. This setting is available if you have set Different spacing horizontal and vertical to Yes. |
Vertical space |
Define the vertical spacing of pin bars. This setting is available if you have set Different spacing horizontal and vertical to Yes. |
Pin bar distribution range
Select the pin bar distribution range in relation to the input points.
Cover thickness
Description | |
1 |
Define the minimum cover thickness for holes and notches. |
Spacing for recesses
Description | |
1 |
Pin spacing value between the pins. This value is used to create the spaces when the length of the recess is between the defined values (2 and 3 in the image). Otherwise, the spaces are created using the Space value defined for the Zone. |
2 |
Minimum length of the recess |
3 |
Maximum length of the recess |
Creation settings
Option | Description |
Creation method |
Select how the spacing of pin bars is defined.
Different spacing for horizontal and vertical |
Select whether to reinforce multiple edges of a wall without changing the settings. |
Consider openings |
Select whether openings are taken into account and how the bar groups are created. |
Edge bars tab
Use the Edge bars tab to define the edge bar dimensions and properties.
Edge bars
Option | Description |
Create rebars |
Select whether edge bars are created. |
Standard rebar |
Define the grade and size of the first bar group. |
Create second group |
Select whether to create a second bar group. Define the grade and size of the second bar group. |
End conditions on edge
Define the shape and dimensions of the bar ends of edge bars. You can define both sides separately.
Select a shape:
End conditions on opening
Define the shape and dimensions of the bar ends of opening bars. You can define both sides separately.
Select a shape:
Number of bars and spacing
Description | |
1 |
Define either the spacing value or the number of edge bars. You can define the first and second bar group separately. |
2 |
Define which bars are created. The bars illustrated as dots are not created. |
3 |
Define the edge distances for the groups. |
Edge bar shape
Select the edge bar shape in relation to the input points.
Consider openings
Select whether openings are taken into account.
Hook length
Define the length of the hook. You can define the hook length if you have selected to create hooks in Consider openings.
Advanced tab
Use the Advanced tab to define the properties for edge bars, pin bars, and rebar assemblies.
Edge bars and pin bars
Option |
Description |
Comment |
Add content to the comment UDA. |
Name |
Name that is shown in drawings and reports. |
Class |
Class number for the rebars. |
Serie |
Prefix for the rebar position number. |
Start number |
Start number for the rebar position number. |
Rebar groups
Select the number of edge bar groups. Define the grade and size properties on the Edge bars tab.
Extra rotation
Select how the pin bars are rotated.
Option | Example |
No Pin bars are not rotated. |
Around X Pin bars are rotated around the x axis. |
Around Y Pin bars are rotated around the y axis. |
Create as rebar assembly
You can add the created reinforcement as a rebar assembly to the cast units with a predefined assembly type, name, prefix, and start number.
Option | Description |
Create as rebar assembly |
Select Yes to create all reinforcement as one rebar assembly, and to include it to the cast unit of the input part. |
Rebar assembly type |
Select the rebar assembly type. If you do not select the type, the default value of the rebar assembly is used. |
Name, Prefix, Start number |
Define the name, prefix, and start number. If you do not define these, the default values of the rebar assembly are used. |
Attach to |
Select which part the rebar assembly will be attached to, the main part or the neighbor part. Define the neighbor part selection criteria on the Configuration tab. |
Configuration tab
Use the Configuration tab to define further settings for controlling border rebar creation.
Configuration settings
Option | Description |
Bending radius |
Define the bending radius for pin bars and edge bars.
Detect outside geometry |
Define how part cuts are detected inside the concrete part. Typically, this setting is needed when the concrete part has recess cuts. Use the Distance in material setting and the options in the position in plane list to move the plane that is used in searching for part cuts. The plane location is visualized in the model if you set the Draw geometry with profiles to Yes. |
Draw geometry with profiles |
Select whether to create construction lines to visualize the location of the part cut detection plane. You can change the location in Distance in material.
Draw axis |
Select whether to visualize the internal coordinate system of the component. If you select Yes, three small parts with a round diameter are created at the component axis, starting from the origin. This can help to set up the component, and to give more clearness in component orientation. Select No to remove the visualization. |
Attach pins to Attach edge bars to |
Select whether the pins and edge bars are attached to the main part or the neighbor part. |
Find neighbor |
Define how the neighbor part is identified, by name or by class. |
Cast unit geometry |
Select Yes to create reinforcement for all relevant concrete cast units outside the selected part. |