Legacy on-premises licensing for Tekla Structures

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Legacy on-premises licensing for Tekla Structures

On-premises licenses are a legacy licensing option for Tekla Structures.

The information on this page is not valid for Tekla subscriptions.

On-premises licenses are licenses that you activate locally on a license server that you install on your own hardware. Users connect to your local license server to reserve a license.

Working with on-premises licenses

To get started with legacy on-premises license administration:

  1. Make sure that you understand how licensing works, see Tekla Structures legacy on-premises licensing for administrators.
  2. Install the license server as explained in Installing Tekla on-premises license server.
  3. Make sure the license server can connect to Trimble's activation server and clients can connect to the license server, see Allowing Tekla on-premises license server to operate through Windows Firewall.
  4. Activate your licenses on the server as explained in Activate on-premises licenses.
  5. Test that licensing works and connect the clients to the license server as explained in Preconfigure legacy on-premises license server settings for users.

Additionally, you can ensure that the correct types of on-premises licenses are available to the users who most need them by defining access rights for using and borrowing licenses as explained in Modify on-premises license access rights (tekla.opt). This can prevent situations where there are no licenses available for users that need them because someone else has reserved or borrowed a license that they do not really need.

When you renew on-premises licenses and when you need to make hardware changes on the license server, you must deactivate your licenses as explained in Deactivate on-premises licenses.

If your on-premises licenses have become untrusted or disabled, they cannot be used and you need to repair them. For information about how to do this, see Repair an on-premises license.

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