Uninstall Tekla Structures

Tekla Structures
Modified: 16 Feb 2024
Tekla Structures

Uninstall Tekla Structures

When you no longer need a version of Tekla Structures or its related components, you can uninstall it to save space on the computer.


You can have many Tekla Structures versions on your computer. It is not necessary to uninstall old Tekla Structures versions when you install a new Tekla Structures version.

Before you uninstall Tekla Structures, do one of the following depending on your license type:

  • If you have a Tekla Structures subscription, sign out from Tekla Structures to release any subscription license seats that are reserved.

  • If you have a legacy on-premises license, sign out from Tekla Structures, deactivate the license, and uninstall the on-premises license server. See Deactivate licenses and uninstall on-premises license server.

Uninstall Tekla Structures

You can optionally uninstall Tekla Structures versions that you no longer use to save space on the computer.

You can also uninstall Tekla Structures environments separately from the main Tekla Structures app.

  1. Go to the Windows Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
  2. Select a component, click Uninstall and follow the prompts. Follow this order:
    1. Uninstall the Tekla Structures environments.

      The environment .tsep packages are uninstalled and the environment files are removed.

      For more information about uninstalling .tsep packages, see Install .tsep packages.

    2. Uninstall the main Tekla Structures app.
    3. If installed, uninstall the offline help package.
    4. If needed, delete the additional files or extensions related to Tekla Structures manually from the installation folders.
  3. If you no longer want to run any version of Tekla Structures on the computer, uninstall these components that are not version-specific:
    • The Tekla Warehouse service and content components.
    • If you have a legacy on-premises license:

Deactivate licenses and uninstall on-premises license server

Follow these instructions if you want to permanently remove the on-premises license server from your computer.

If you are upgrading to a new version on the same computer, see Update the Tekla on-premises license server instead.

  1. Make sure that all borrowed licenses are returned.
  2. Start the Tekla License Administration Tool app with administrator rights. This tool is installed together with the Tekla license server and you can find it through the Windows Start menu on the computer that is hosting your license server.
  3. In the Tekla License Administration Tool dialog box, go to the Statistic tab and ensure that no one is using the licenses.

    Before you deactivate licenses, ensure that the licenses are not in use or borrowed. The borrowed licenses must be returned before they can be deactivated.

  4. If you have not activated the automatic server notifications (the Notify Server option in Tekla License Administration Tool), you need to stop the license server manually in LMTOOLS:
    1. Go to Tekla Licensing > LMTOOLS through the Start menu or Start screen, depending on your Windows operating system. Start LMTOOLS with administrator rights.
    2. On the Service/License File tab, ensure that Configuration using services and Tekla Licensing Service are selected.
    3. Go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab and click Stop Server.
  5. In Tekla License Administration Tool, go to the Licenses tab.

    The Activated Licenses area lists the active licenses.

  6. Select the Deactivate check box to select the license for deactivation.

    If you activated more than one license of the same type in one go, you cannot deactivate those licenses one by one, but you need to deactivate all of the licenses in one go.

  7. The Deactivate button is activated, click it.
  8. Go to the Windows Services snap-in and stop the Tekla Licensing Service.

    You can find the snap-in using the Windows start menu search.

  9. Go to the Windows Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features.
  10. Select the Tekla license server and click Uninstall.

    If the license server uninstallation fails, uninstall the license server manually.

Uninstall an on-premises license server manually

Automatic Tekla license server installation can normally be uninstalled from the Control Panel.

If the automatic uninstallation cannot be performed, like in the case of manual installation, you need to uninstall the license server manually.

Before you start license server uninstallation, stop FlexNet licensing services and other licensing services.

To manually uninstall an on-premises license server:

  1. Make sure that all borrowed licenses are returned.
  2. Deactivate your licenses. For more information, see the deactivation steps in Deactivate licenses and uninstall the on-premises license server.
  3. Go to Tekla Licensing > LMTOOLS through the Start menu or Start screen, depending on your Windows operating system.
  4. Go to the Service/License File tab tab, select Configuration using Services, and ensure that Tekla Licensing Service is selected in the list.
  5. Go to the Start/Stop/Reread tab and click Stop Server to stop the license server.
  6. Go to the Config Services tab, ensure that Tekla Licensing Service is shown in the Service name box and then click Remove Service.
  7. At the command prompt, enter the following command: uninstallanchorservice.exe
  8. Uninstall Tekla license server from the Control Panel to complete the uninstallation.
The Tekla license server is uninstalled.
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