Examples of filters

Tekla Structures
Modified: 24 Nov 2021
Tekla Structures

Examples of filters

Here are some examples of filters that you can create. The same filtering techniques can be used for view, selection, and drawing filters.

Filter parts based on their name

Create a filter that only shows parts with a certain name.

  1. Create a new view filter.
  2. Click Add row three times to add three filter rules.
  3. In the first filter rule, define that the object type must be part:
    1. In the Category list, select Object.
    2. In the Property list, select Object type.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value list, select Part.
    5. In the And/Or list, select And.
  4. In the second and third filter rules, define that the part name must be BEAM or COLUMN:
    1. In the Category list, select Part.
    2. In the Property list, select Name.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value box, enter the part names, BEAM and COLUMN.
    5. In the And/Or list, select Or.
  5. Include the second and third filter rule in brackets.
    The filter is now looking for parts that are named either BEAM or COLUMN.
  6. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  7. Click Save as.

Filter main parts

Create a filter that selects the main parts only.

  1. Create a new selection filter.
  2. Click Add row twice to add two filter rules.
  3. In the first filter rule, define that the object type must be part:
    1. In the Category list, select Object.
    2. In the Property list, select Object type.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value list, select Part.
    5. In the And/Or list, select And.
  4. In the second filter rule, define that you only want to include main parts:
    1. In the Category list, select Part.
    2. In the Property list, select Primary part.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value box, enter 1.

      In this context, 1 means the main parts, and 0 would mean the secondary parts.

  5. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  6. Click Save as.

Filter bolts based on their size

Create a filter that only shows bolts of certain sizes.

  1. Create a new view filter.
  2. Click Add row twice to add two filter rules.
  3. In the first filter rule, define that the object type must be bolt:
    1. In the Category list, select Object.
    2. In the Property list, select Object type.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value list, select Bolt group.
    5. In the And/Or list, select And.
  4. In the second filter rule, define that the bolt size must be 12.00 or 16.00:
    1. In the Category list, select Bolt.
    2. In the Property list, select Size.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value box, enter the bolt sizes, 12.00 and 16.00.

      Separate the strings with a blank space.

  5. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  6. Click Save as.

Filter parts based on their assembly type

Create a filter based on assembly types. For example, you can create a filter that only shows cast-in-place and precast columns. Steel columns and any other columns or parts are hidden. The same filtering technique can be used for steel, concrete, timber, and miscellaneous parts.

  1. Create a new filter.
  2. Click Add row four times to add four filter rules.
  3. In the first filter rule, define that the object type must be part:
    1. In the Category list, select Object.
    2. In the Property list, select Object type.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value list, select Part.
    5. In the And/Or list, select And.
  4. In the second filter rule, define that the part name must be COLUMN:
    1. In the Category list, select Part.
    2. In the Property list, select Name.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value box, enter the part name, COLUMN.
    5. In the And/Or list, select And.
  5. Include the first and second filter rule in brackets.
  6. In the third and fourth filter rules, define that the assembly type must be precast or cast in place:
    1. In the Category list, select Assembly.
    2. In the Property list, select Assembly type.
    3. In the Value box, enter the assembly types, 0 and 1.


      Assembly type




      cast in place









    4. In the And/Or list, select Or.
  7. Include the third and fourth filter rule in brackets.
    The filter is now looking for concrete parts that are named COLUMN.
  8. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  9. Click Save as.

Filter sub-assemblies

Create a filter that only selects parts that belong to a sub-assembly.

  1. Create a selection filter.
  2. Click Add row to add a new filter rule.
  3. In the Category list, select Template.
  4. In the Property list, select ASSEMBLY.HIERARCHY_LEVEL.
  5. In the Condition list, select Does not equal.
  6. In the Value box, enter 0.

    In this context, 0 means that the part does not belong to any sub-assembly, and 1 would mean that the part does. The filter will show only those parts whose value is not 0.

  7. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  8. Click Save as.

Filter objects based on their class

Create a filter based on object types and class. The following example filter can be used to select or show parts and reinforcement in certain classes.

  1. Create a new view filter.
  2. Click Add row three times to add three filter rules.
  3. In the first and second filter rules, define that the object type must be part or reinforcement.
    1. In the Category list, select Object.
    2. In the Property list, select Object type.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value list, select Part for the first rule and Reinforcing bar for the second rule.
    5. In the And/Or list, select Or for the first rule and And for the second rule.
  4. Include the first and second filter rule in brackets.
  5. In the third filter rule, use the template attribute CLASS_ATTR to define that the object class must be less than or equal to 5:
    1. In the Category list, select Template.
    2. In the Property list, type CLASS_ATTR.
    3. In the Condition list, select Less or equal.
    4. In the Value list, enter 5.

    The filter is now looking for parts and reinforcement that belong to classes 0–5.

  6. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  7. Click Save as.

Filter reference model objects

Create a filter based on reference model object properties.

  1. Create an empty view or selection filter.
  2. Click Add row to add a new filter rule.
  3. In the Category list, select Template.
  4. In the Property list, select the desired template attribute or enter one of your own.

    To find the attribute name used by the reference model, select a reference model object, right-click and select one of the Inquire commands. Find the property name in the Inquire object dialog box and copy it.

  5. Add the prefix EXTERNAL. in front of the template attribute name.
  6. In the Condition list, select Equals.
  7. In the Value box, enter the desired value or click Select from model... to select the object in the model.
  8. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  9. Click Save as.

Filter parts within component

Create a filter that selects all parts within a component.

  1. Create an empty selection filter.
  2. Click Add row twice to add two filter rules.
  3. In the first filter rule, define that the object must be a component:
    1. In the Category list, select Object.
    2. In the Property list, select Is component.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value list, select Yes.
    5. In the And/Or list, select And.
  4. In the second filter rule, define that the object type must be part:
    1. In the Category list, select Object.
    2. In the Property list, select Object type.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value list, select Part.
  5. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  6. Click Save as.

Filter reinforcement in pour units based on pour object type

Create a filter that only shows all reinforcement that belongs to pour units with a pour object of a certain type.

  1. Ensure that you have XS_​ENABLE_​POUR_​MANAGEMENT set to TRUE.
  2. Calculate the pour units.
  3. Create a new view filter.
  4. Click Add row twice to add two filter rules.
  5. In the first filter rule, define the pour object type.
    1. In the Category list, select Template.
    2. In the Property box, enter POUR_UNIT.POUR_OBJECT.POUR_TYPE.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value box, enter the pour object type, for example MyType, or click Select from model... to select the object in the model.
    5. In the And/Or list, select And.
  6. In the second filter rule, define that the object type must be reinforcement:
    1. In the Category list, select Object.
    2. In the Property list, select Object type.
    3. In the Condition list, select Equals.
    4. In the Value list, select Reinforcing bar.
  7. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  8. Click Save as.

Filter all contents of a pour unit

Create a filter that selects all contents of a pour unit with a certain name.

  1. Ensure that you have XS_​ENABLE_​POUR_​MANAGEMENT set to TRUE.
  2. Calculate the pour units.
  3. Create a selection filter.
  4. Click Add row to add a new filter rule.
  5. In the Category list, select Pour unit.
  6. In the Property list, select Name.
  7. In the Condition list, select Equals.
  8. In the Value box, enter the pour unit name, for example MyName.
  9. Enter a unique name in the box next to the Save as button.
  10. Click Save as.

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