Add manual dimensions using User Coordinate System

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Add manual dimensions using User Coordinate System

You can pick UCS (user coordinate system) points to define the current coordinate system in the drawing view. If you do this, the dimensioning commands Horizontal , Vertical and Orthogonal follow the defined coordinate system.

  1. Open a drawing.
  2. On the Views tab, click User coordsys > Set origin by two points.
  3. Pick the UCS origin and the UCS X direction.

  4. Click Dimensioning > Horizontal .
  5. Pick the start and end point for the dimension.

  6. Point to the location where you want to add the dimension line and click the middle mouse button.


When you use the Orthogonal command , it automatically finds out whether the dimension line is in the X or Y direction depending on which one is the closest.

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