Reinforcement strand properties

Tekla Structures
Modified: 5 Oct 2023
Tekla Structures

Reinforcement strand properties

Use the Strand pattern properties to view and modify the properties of strands. The file name extension of the property file is .rbs.

Option Description

User-definable name of the strand.

Tekla Structures uses strand names in reports and drawing lists, and to identify strands of the same type.


Steel grade of the strand.


Diameter of the strand.

Depending on the environment, the nominal diameter of the strand, or a mark that defines the diameter.

Bending radius

Internal radius of the bends in the strand.

You can enter a separate value for each bend. Separate the values with spaces.


Use to group reinforcement.

For example, you can display strands of different classes in different colors.


Mark series of the strand.

Pull per strand

Pre-stress load per strand (kN).

Number of cross sections

Number of cross sections of the strand pattern.

For example:

  • Number of cross sections along strand profile = 1:

  • Number of cross sections along strand profile = 2:

  • Number of cross sections along strand profile = 3:

  • Number of cross sections along strand profile = 4:

In this double-tee beam, the number of cross sections is 4:

Debonded strands Enter the strand number. The strand number is the selection order number of the strand.

From start

Middle to start

Middle to end

From end

Enter the length of the debonding.

If you select the Symmetry check box, values from From start and Middle to start are copied to From end and Middle to end.

Symmetry Define whether the end and start lengths are symmetrical.
IFC export
IFC entity

For IFC export, select the IFC entity type and subtype of the strands. The available subtypes depend on the selected IFC entity.

You can select the IFC4 subtype among the predefined options, or you can select USERDEFINED and then enter any text in User-defined type (IFC4).

Subtype (IFC4)
User-defined type (IFC4)

You can create user-defined attributes to add information about reinforcement. Attributes can consist of numbers, text, or lists.

You can use the values of user-defined attributes in reports and drawings.

To set values for user-defined attributes, click the User-defined attributes button.

You can also change the name of the fields, and add new ones, by editing the objects.inp file.

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