Host your own potree point cloud data

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Host your own potree point cloud data

Hosting your own potree point cloud data allows you to share point clouds across the internet using a URL. We recommend hosting your potree point cloud data on a Microsoft Azure Storage Account.

Create a potree file with Point cloud manager

You can download Point cloud manager from Tekla Warehouse.

For detailed instructions about using Point cloud manager, see the Point cloud manager help. You can open the help by clicking the help button .

  1. Install the application, and start it from the start menu or start screen, depending on your Windows version.
  2. Set the root folder for the project.
    For example, C:\Trimble\PTRS.
  3. Create a new project.
    1. Click the Add new project button.

    2. In the Project name box, enter a name for the project.

      This name will be the name of the potree database and potree folder.

  4. Import one or more point cloud models:
    1. Click Add file.
    2. Browse for the point cloud file.
  5. When the point cloud has been imported, click to start the conversion to potree.
  6. Expand Conversion settings, select Directory structure, then click Start.

The potree data is now available in the root folder for the project.

Configure an Azure Storage Account to host the point cloud data

A Microsoft Azure subscription is required.

Before you begin, configure the security controls for your Azure subscription according to your organization's policies.

  1. In the Azure Portal, create a new Azure storage account.

    For detailed instructions, see the Microsoft Azure documentation.

  2. In the Static website settings, enable Static website.

    The URLs in the Primary endpoint and Secondary endpoint boxes are generated automatically.

  3. In the CORS settings, add a CORS rule for the Blob service, then configure the rule settings.
    CORS rule setting Description

    Allowed origins

    Specifies which domains are allowed to access the resources.

    • If you only plan to use the data from your point cloud with the Connect 3D app, enter

    • To allow all domains, enter *.

    Allowed methods

    Specifies which HTTP methods are allowed when making requests.

    Enter GET.

    Allowed headers

    Specifies which HTTP headers are allowed when making requests.

    To allow all headers, enter *.

    Exposed headers

    Specifies which headers JavaScript in browsers is allowed to access.

    To allow all headers, enter *.

    Max age

    Specifies how long the results of a request can be cached.

    Enter the number of seconds.

Upload potree data to your Azure Storage Account

  1. In Azure Storage Explorer, navigate to your storage account, then browse to the $web blob container.
  2. Copy the folder that contains the point clouds from C:\Trimble\PTRS to the storage for your blob container.
  3. Copy the <potree_name> folder to a shared location.


    Do not replace existing potree data, especially if it is used by other users.

Add a link to your point cloud data to your Trimble Connect Project

Add a point cloud URL from your computer or a drive.

  1. Open your project in Trimble Connect for Windows.
  2. Navigate to the 3D Viewer.
  3. Open the Point Clouds panel.
  4. Click Add URL.
  5. Enter a name for the point cloud.
  6. In the URL box, enter or paste the URL of the point cloud file.

    For example:
  7. Click Add.

When you click this file in the Trimble Connect 3D app, your point cloud opens.

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