Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures


Category in Advanced options dialog box


Use to define which weld types to omit in drawings. Enter the number of the weld type you want to omit. The default value is 10 (fillet weld). For more information about the weld types and the corresponding numbers, see List of weld types.

In addition to this advanced option there are two other settings that Tekla Structures uses to determine the welds that are shown in the drawing: XS_WELD_FILTER_TYPE tells if Tekla Structures should filter welds that are exactly (EXACT) the size or of the same size or smaller (MIN) than the value given in the Weld size limit box in the object or mark properties on the drawing view level. Tekla Structures always shows welds that have reference text.

This advanced option is model specific and the setting is saved in the options database.


If you set XS_OMITTED_WELD_TYPE to 10, XS_WELD_FILTER_TYPE to EXACT, and Weld size limit to 5, Tekla Structures shows all other welds except those that are 5 mm, and those of type fillet weld (10). In this case, if you do not set XS_WELD_FILTER_TYPE, Tekla Structures shows all welds that are bigger than 5 mm except fillet welds.

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