Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures


Category in Advanced options dialog box: File Locations

Specifies a global and a local folder for recorded macro files. Macro files are usually language and environment dependent and will not run in any other environment or language. This advanced option is system-specific.

Use a semicolon (;) as a separator. Do not define more than two macro folders.

First define the global folder, and then the local folder, for example:

set XS_MACRO_DIRECTORY=%XSDATADIR%environments\common\macros;%XSDATADIR%environments\uk\General\user-macros

This advanced option is by default set to ..\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments\common\macros.


Do not change the global folder. If necessary, you may change the local folder.

When you click the Access advanced features button in Applications & components, you can select whether to create a global or local macro by selecting New macro > Local or > Global. The option Local is not displayed, if you have not specified the folder.


The macro folder must contain subfolders modeling and drawings.

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