Splitter properties
Use the property pane or the contextual toolbar to view and modify the properties of the rebar set splitters. The file name extension of the property file is .rst_sm.
Some of the following settings depend on the splitter direction. An arrowhead symbol close to the midpoint of each splitter indicates the direction and the left and right sides of the splitter. The arrow points from the start towards the end of the splitter.
Option | Description |
Follow edges |
Select whether the splitter attempts to follow the leg face edges that are located between the splitter end points. |
Bars affected |
Select how many bars can be modified in the same location:
First affected bar |
Define which is the first bar to be modified, starting from the first end of the modifier. Enter a positive number, or use the arrow buttons to change the number. |
Split type | Select Lapping or Cranking. |
Split offset |
Defines how far from the splitter the split is created. Positive values move the split to the right side and negative values to the left side of the splitter. |
These properties are available when Split type is Lapping.
Option | Description |
Lapping type | Select Standard lapping or Custom lapping. |
Lap length | With custom lapping, enter the length of the lap splice. With standard lapping, the lap length is read from the rebar catalog (rebar_database.inp). |
Lap side |
Select the side of the lap splice from the splitter:
Lap placement | Select whether the lapping bars are parallel to each other, or on top of each other. |
These properties are available when Split type is Cranking.
(1) = Location of the splitter
Option | Description |
Cranking type | Select Standard cranking or Custom cranking. With standard cranking, the crank dimensions are read from the rebar catalog (rebar_database.inp). |
Crank straight length | With custom cranking, enter the length of the straight segment of the
crank. This is (2) in the image above. |
Cranked length | With custom cranking, select whether the length of the cranked segment
is defined in the diagonal (4) or horizontal (3)
direction: or Then select and enter the needed distance or a multiplier of the bar diameter. |
Cranked offset | With custom cranking, enter the offset distance of the straight segment
of the crank. This is (5) in the image above. The default value is 2 * actual bar diameter. |
Crank side | Select to which side of the splitter the crank is created, Left or Right. |
Crank rotation | Defines to which angle the crank is rotated. |
Option | Description |
Stagger type |
Select whether and in which direction the splices are staggered. The options are:
Stagger offset | The offset of the adjacent bars if they are staggered. |