Mark elements

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Mark elements

Different kinds of marks have some elements in common and some of them are mark type specific. The common elements and the mark-specific elements are listed below.

Common elements in marks

There are some mark elements that can be used in most of the mark types.




Adds a tex field inside the mark where you can add your text.


Opens a dialog box where you can change the symbol file in use, and select a symbol from a Tekla Structures symbol file to add to the mark.


Adds in the mark a custom graphical template created with Template editor. Opens a dialog box where you can select the template.

For more information about adding templates in marks, see Add templates in marks.

In mark templates, you can include detailed information of an embed or assembly, such as the sub-material used. Or you can use a template that changes the unit and the number of decimals in measurement values in a mark. You can also add graphical objects using the Template editor tools.

Add space < >

Adds spaces between mark elements.

Remove space<--

Adds a backspace between the desired elements to remove the default space between them. The default space between the elements depends on the text height and can be changed with the advanced option XS_​MARK_​ELEMENT_​SPACE_​FACTOR.

Frame Adds a frame around an element or the whole mark depending on your selection.

User-defined attributes

Template attributes

Adds a user-defined attribute or template attribute in the mark.

In marks, you cannot use template attributes such as MODEL_TOTAL that refer to the whole model. Marks only check the information from the object in the drawing and not from the whole model.

For more information about adding user-defined attributes or template attributes in marks, see Add attributes in automatic marks.

Custom properties

Adds a custom property in the mark.

Part mark elements

You can define part mark contents independently for main and secondary parts and for sub-assembly main and secondary parts.

The following table lists all elements specific to part marks and neighbor part marks.



Assembly position

Adds the prefix and position number of the assembly.

Part position

Adds the prefix and position number of the part.


Adds the profile name of part, assembly, or cast unit main part.


Adds the material of part, assembly, or cast unit main part.


Adds the name of part, assembly, or cast unit main part.


Adds the class of part, assembly, or cast unit main part.


Adds the finish of part, assembly, or cast unit main part.


Adds the size of the part or the assembly or cast unit main part.


Adds the length of the part or assembly, or of the cast unit main part.

You can change the unit and format of the length.


Adds the camber of the part or the assembly or cast unit main part (if this user-defined part attribute is set).

Fittings (NS/FS)

Displays the near side/far side marks in the part mark. (only available in front views).

Face direction

Displays main compass direction (North, East, South, West) of the face, where the mark is added. The direction can only be shown if

  • the face is vertical

  • the direction is the same for all assemblies with the same assembly position number

In other cases, the element produces no text to mark.

Furthermore, face direction is not shown for columns in general arrangement drawings, if you have set Mark always to center of column in GA drawings to Yes in File menu > Settings > Options > Orientation marks.

Gage of outstanding leg

Adds the hole gage.

You can control the format of this option with the advance option XS_​GAGE_​OF_​OUTSTANDING_​LEG_​STRING.

Center-to-center distance

Adds center-to-center distance in the mark.

You can control the format of this option with the advanced options XS_CENTER_TO_CENTER_DISTANCE_IN_ONE_PART_STRING and XS_CENTER_TO_CENTER_DISTANCE_IN_TWO_PARTS_STRING.

Rotation angle

Adds the rotation angle of a spiral beam in the mark. For other parts this element gives an empty value.

Bolt mark elements

You can define bolt mark options independently for site and shop bolts.

Below is a list of the elements specific to bolt marks.

For additional information about defining size in bolt marks, see Define size in bolt marks using advanced options.



Bolt length

Adds the length of the bolt.

You can change the unit and format of the length.

Bolt diameter

Adds the bolt diameter.

You can change the unit and format of the diameter.

Hole diameter

Adds the hole diameter.

You can change the unit and format of the diameter.

Hole depth Adds the hole depth


Adds the bolt material grade.


Adds the bolt standard.

Short name

Adds the bolt’s short name. This can be the commercial name of a specific bolt, for example.

Full name

Adds the complete name of the bolt. This name is visible in the dialog box list.

Assembly type

Adds the bolt assembly type.

Number of bolts

Adds the quantity of bolts.

Slot length (x)

Slot length (y)

Adds the slot length in the x or y direction.

You can change the unit and format of the length.

Slot length

Adds the slot length.

You can change the unit and format of the length.

Slot height

Adds the slot height.

You can change the unit and format of the height.


Adds the hole size.

You can change the unit and format of the size.


Adds countersink in the countersunk bolt marks.

Gage of outstanding leg

Adds hole gage.

You can control the format of this element with the advanced option XS_GAGE_OF_OUTSTANDING_LEG_STRING.

Center-to-center distance

Adds center-to-center distance.

You can control the format of this element with the advanced options XS_CENTER_TO_CENTER_DISTANCE_IN_ONE_PART_STRING and XS_CENTER_TO_CENTER_DISTANCE_IN_TWO_PARTS_STRING.

Reinforcement and neighbor reinforcement mark elements

You can define mark contents separately for single reinforcing bars, bar groups, and reinforcement meshes.

Below is a list of the elements you can include in all reinforcement and neighbor reinforcements marks.




Adds the name of the bar or mesh.


Adds the material grade of the bar or mesh.


Adds the layer of the reinforcement.


Adds the nominal diameter of the bar.


Adds the class of the bar or mesh.


Adds the total length of the bar.

You can change the unit and format of the length.


Adds the quantity of the bars.


Adds the reinforcement position number.

Assembly position Adds the position number of the associated rebar assembly.


Adds the shape of the bar or mesh.


Adds the weight of the bar or mesh.


Adds the center-to-center spacing of the bars. The options are:

  • cc adds the spacing value if spacing does not vary

  • cc min adds the smallest spacing value of the bar group if spacing varies

  • cc max adds the largest spacing value of the bar group if spacing varies

  • cc exact lists all spacing values of the bar group

  • cc target lists all reinforcing bar target spacing values

You can change the unit and format of the cc options.

Pullout picture

Adds a pull-out picture of a bar to the mark.

For more information about pull-out pictures, see Add pull-out pictures in automatic reinforcement marks. You can also add pull-out pictures in a reinforcement mark in an open drawing.

Reinforcement and neighbor reinforcement mesh mark elements

You can define mark contents separately for reinforcement meshes.

The following elements are specific to the reinforcement and neighbor reinforcement mesh marks, other elements are the same as for reinforcement marks.




Adds the nominal diameters of the mesh bars, dimensions of the mesh, and the spacings of the bars in the longitudinal and crossing directions.

Mesh length

Adds the length of the reinforcement mesh.

Mesh width

Adds the width of the reinforcement mesh.


You can define cc individually for the longitudinal and crossing bars in the mesh.

Adds the center-to-center spacing of the bars. The options are:

  • cc longitudinal/cc crossing adds the spacing value if spacing does not vary

  • cc min longitudinal/cc min crossing adds the smallest spacing value of the bar group if spacing varies

  • cc max longitudinal/cc max crossing adds the largest spacing value of the bar group if spacing varies

  • cc exact longitudinal/cc exact crossing lists all spacing values of the bar group

  • cc target lists all reinforcing bar target spacing values

Diameter longitudinal

Adds the diameter or size of the longitudinal bars.

Diameter cross

Adds the diameter or size of the crossing bars.

Elements in merged reinforcement marks

Some extra elements are available for merged reinforcement marks, in addition to basic reinforcement marks.

For more information about merging marks, see Merge marks.



Block prefix

Adds text or a value to the beginning of each repeated block. Opens a dialog box where you can enter the prefix.

You can use the following variables as block prefixes:

%NUMBER% includes the number of marks merged to the mark.

%NUMBER_IN_PLANE% includes the number of marks merged in the plane of the drawing to the mark.

%NUMBER_OUT_OF_PLANE% includes the number of marks merged in the depth direction of the drawing to the mark.

Single mark content

Adds the content of the single reinforcement mark selected on the Content tab to the mark.

Distances between groups

Adds the center-to-center distances between reinforcing bars or bar groups included in a merged mark. Opens a dialog box where you can enter the values.

Symbol separating blocks in mark

Adds a symbol between the blocks in the merged mark. Opens a dialog box where you can define the symbol.

The elements that appear before this element on the mark content list generate a block.

Connection mark elements

In connection marks, you can show the connection code, name, number, and running number, the group they belong to, potential errors, and the related DSTV code.

Below is a list of elements specific to connection marks.




Adds the connection code. This is a user-defined code you give for the connection in the connection dialog box. The code can be either a text string or a number.


Adds the connection name, for example, Tube_splice.

DSTV code

Adds the DSTV code.

Connection number

Adds the number of the connection.

Running number

Adds the connection running number. All connections are automatically numbered with a running number.


Adds the connection group.

Connection error

Adds the connection error. The numbers correspond to the connection symbol colors:

  • 1 = green

  • 2 = yellow

  • 3 = red symbol

Pour object mark elements

Element Description
Material Adds the defined pour material.
Pour number Adds the identifier that groups the pour objects in the same group, for example, to be poured at the same time.
Pour type Adds a property of the pour based on the name of a part.
Concrete mixture Adds the defined concrete mixture.

Surface treatment mark elements

In surface treatment marks, you can show the name, material, Tekla Structures-specific name, and the code of the surface treatment.




Adds the name defined in the Name box in the surface treatment properties in a model.


Adds the surface treatment material.


Adds the class of the surface treatment.


Adds the code of the surface treatment option selected from the Subtype list in the in the surface treatment properties in a model.

For example, if the subtype is MF Magnesium Float, the code is MF.

Surface treatment name

Adds the full name of the surface treatment option selected from the Subtype list in the in the surface treatment properties in a model.

For example, if the subtype is MF Magnesium Float, the full name is Magnesium Float.

Section and detail mark elements

In section and detail marks, you can show the name of the section/detail, the name of the current drawing, and the name of the source drawing.



Section name/Detail name

Adds the name of the section or the detail (A, B, C, and so on).

Drawing name

Adds the name of the current drawing.

Source drawing name

Adds the name of the drawing where the view is.

Source drawing name when moved

Adds the name of the drawing where the view is. This is shown only if the view is not in the same drawing as the section/detail mark.

View, section view and detail view label mark elements

In view labels, you can show the name of the view, section or detail, the view scale, drawing name, and source drawing name.



View name/Section name/Detail name

Adds the name of the view, section or the detail.


Adds the scale of the view.

Drawing name

Adds the name of the current drawing.

Source drawing name

Adds the name of the drawing where the view has originally been created.

Source drawing name when moved

Adds the name of the drawing where the view has originally been created. This is shown only when the view has been moved from its original drawing.

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