Define drawing layout

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Define drawing layout

A drawing layout defines which tables to include in a drawing and where the tables are located. Each drawing layout has its own table sets and applicable drawing sizes. You can create and edit drawing layouts through Layout editor.

The drawing layout connects drawing table sets to drawing sizes. Tekla Structures has several predefined drawing layouts. Each drawing type; assembly, single-part, cast unit, general arrangement, and multidrawing, can have its own individual drawing layout with necessary table sets. You can also create customized drawing layouts that can be used for more than one drawing type.

Using different layouts you can, for example, set assembly drawings to use A1 and A2 size drawing sheets, and single-part drawings to use A3 and A4 sheets. Another example is that you may want to include a material list in assembly drawings, but not in general arrangement drawings.

You can also customize the table sets within the same drawing layout, so that different drawing sizes have different table sets. For example, A1 sheets and A4 sheets can have the same drawing layout, but they may require different positioning of table sets. By managing the number and location of tables, you can ensure that the tables fit to each drawing size. You can also exclude some tables from the drawing layout and edit them as part of the open drawing, so that the drawing layout does not change.

In previous versions of Tekla Structures, table sets were not associated to any drawing sizes if you used the Specified size option in drawing properties. In case you open an old layout file without associated table sets, Tekla Structures generates a drawing size to each table set automatically and names the drawing size in the following format: ###_[TABLE SET NAME]. If needed, you can then customize the table set of each drawing size in Layout editor.

If you use the Autosize in drawing properties, Tekla Structures selects the smallest available drawing size that will fit the drawing views and the connected table set. You can select which drawing sizes are compatible with Autosize in the Drawing size settings dialog box.

Tekla Structures saves the new layouts you create in separate files with the file name extension .lay. The layout files are located in the \attributes sub-folder in the model folder. You can copy layout files to project or firm folders defined by the XS_FIRM and XS_PROJECT advanced options.

Note that the .lay files created in Layout editor are not compatible with Drawing Layout tool and Layout editor in previous Tekla Structures versions. This means that you cannot use new drawing layouts in Tekla Structures 2019i or earlier versions.

When an old .lay file is opened, all table sets in that .lay file that are not tied to any fixed drawing sizes in the same .lay file are converted to independent table sets. In the conversion, a new fixed size is automatically generated for each table set, and the table set is then tied to the newly generated size. The generated drawing sizes are always either A1 (841 mm x 594 mm) in non-imperial environments or ANSI D (864 mm x 559 mm) in imperial environments. The names of the generated drawing sizes are of the form ###_<name_of_converted_table_layout>.

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