Define automatic section view properties
You can set some automatic properties for section views before you create a drawing. Properties for automatic section views need to be set in two places in drawing properties: in the Section view pane, and in . The settings on the Section view pane apply to all section views in the drawing.
For a list and descriptions of section view properties, see Section view properties.
Define automatic section view properties
Note that for general arrangement drawings, you can only modify the Start number or letter of section view and symbol label setting.
Examples of section view and mark settings
Combining section views
- Distance for combining cuts = 1’- 4"
- Section depth = 4"
- Combined sections
Section view direction
The arrow in the section view symbol indicates the direction of the section view, as shown below:
- Left section, right direction
- Middle section, right direction
- Right section, left direction
Section marks
See below for examples of section marks:
Show section and end view direction marks in drawings
You can display view direction marks in section views and end views in drawings.
The view direction mark is shown with a small symbol (optionally with a text label) around the end or section view.
The view orientation mark position follows the label position setting. In the image below, Center by view restriction box has been selected for the label.
You can drag view direction marks to a better place in a drawing view: click the view frame to activate the handles, point the handle, press and hold down the left mouse button and drag. The view frame is resized automatically, if necessary.
You can define the view direction mark symbol in
by using the following advanced options:
Define the location for end views and section views
You can always place section views and end views next to the main view or in any empty location in a single-part, assembly, and cast unit drawing.
End and section views in any location (No selected).
End and section views beside the main view (Yes selected).