Create assemblies

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Create assemblies

Tekla Structures creates assemblies of steel parts when you use a workshop weld or bolt to join parts together. Assemblies and their main parts are automatically defined when you create single workshop welds or bolts, or when you apply automatic connections that create workshop welds or bolts.

Create an assembly

  1. Ensure that the Select assemblies selection switch is active.
  2. Select the parts and/or assemblies that you want to join together.
  3. Right-click and select Assembly > Make into Assembly.

Create a sub-assembly

You can create a sub-assembly of parts that are already in an assembly.

  1. Ensure that the Select objects in assemblies selection switch is active.
  2. Select the parts you want to include in the sub-assembly.
  3. Right-click and select Make into Sub-Assembly.

Use bolts to create assemblies

You can use bolts to create and connect assemblies. You can create nested assemblies by connecting sub-assemblies to an existing assembly, or you can just connect more parts to assemblies using bolts.

To control how Tekla Structures creates assemblies, use the Connect as and Bolt type lists in the Bolt properties. The order in which you select parts when creating the connection determines the main and secondary parts of the assembly or the assembly hierarchy.

Connect as

Bolt type


As sub-assembly

Workshop or Site

Nested assembly with the assembly you are bolting as a sub-assembly.

The first part you select determines the assembly to which you are bolting.

As secondary part


Basic assembly with the part you are bolting as a secondary part.

The first part you select usually becomes the main part in the assembly.

As secondary part


No assembly created.

Bolt sub-assemblies to an existing assembly

  1. On the Steel tab, hold down Shift and click Bolt to open the Bolt properties.
  2. In the Connect as list, select As sub-assembly.
  3. Select a part in the assembly to bolt to.
  4. Select a part in the sub-assembly to be bolted.
  5. Pick the bolt group origin.
  6. Pick a point to indicate the bolt group x direction.

Use welds to create assemblies

Tekla Structures forms assemblies based on where the weld should be made. You can create workshop welds and site welds.

The order in which you select parts when creating the connection determines the main and secondary parts of the assembly or the assembly hierarchy. The first part you select becomes the main part of the assembly. Tekla Structures dimensions secondary parts relative to the main part in assembly drawings. The largest main part in the weld becomes the main part of the assembly.

When you connect assemblies, the first part you select determines the assembly to which you weld sub-assemblies.

To control how Tekla Structures creates assemblies, use the Connect as and Workshop/Site lists in the Weld properties.

Connect as



As sub-assembly

Workshop: or Site:

Nested assembly with the assembly you are welding as a sub-assembly.

The first part you select determines the assembly to which you are welding.

As secondary part


Basic assembly with the part you are welding as a secondary part.

The first part you select usually becomes the main part in the assembly.

As secondary part


No assembly created.

Weld sub-assemblies to an existing assembly

  1. On the Steel tab, hold down Shift and click to open the Weld properties.
  2. In the Connect as list, select As sub-assembly.
  3. Select a part in the assembly to weld to.
  4. Select a part in the sub-assembly to be welded.
  5. To check that the weld marks look correct, create a drawing.
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