Create a construction polycurve
You can create 3D construction polycurves that pass through the points you pick and that can have straight and curved segments.
- On the Edit tab, click Construction object > Polycurve.
On the contextual toolbar that
appears, click a button to specify which set of points you want to pick to
create a polycurve segment.
You can switch between these picking modes each time you complete a segment.
For a straight segment, click and then pick the start point and the end point of the segment.
For a curved segment, click and then pick three points along the segment.
For a curved tangential segment, click and then pick a point on the tangent line, the start point, and the end point of the segment.
For a straight segment that is tangential to the previous segment, click and then pick a point on the tangent line.
Tekla Structures creates a polycurve segment.
- Repeat step 2 for each polycurve segment that you want to create, but skip picking the first point of the segment as it is the same as the last point of the previous segment.
Click the middle mouse button to
finish picking.
Tekla Structures creates the polycurve through the points you picked, using the polycurve's current properties.
- To end the command, press Esc.
To modify the construction
polycurve properties, double-click the polycurve in the model.
The polycurve properties are shown in the property pane.
- Select a color for the polycurve.
- Select a line type for the polycurve.
- Click Modify .