Search for master drawings and save the results in Master Drawing Catalog

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Search for master drawings and save the results in Master Drawing Catalog

In the Master Drawing Catalog search view, you can search for master drawings on the basis of the text that has been entered in the name, description and keyword boxes in the Master Drawing Properties dialog box and save your search results. In the folder view, you can copy master drawings from a search results folder to another folder to make it easier for you to locate the master drawings you need.


Make sure to always add all important information for each master drawing in the Master Drawing Properties dialog box. This makes it a lot easier to find the master drawings you are looking for.

To search for master drawings and save the search results:

  1. Enter the search criteria in the box next to the Search button.

    Tekla Structures remembers search strings. When you start typing a string, it suggests previous strings starting with the same characters.

  2. Click Search. The results are listed.
  3. To save the search results, click Store, type a name for the search, and click OK.

    The search results are added in the category list in the search view.

    The search results are also displayed as a folder in the folder view. There you can rename the saved search results, and copy the found drawings to the folders of your choice.

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