Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings

Use the options in the Reinforcement or Neighbor Reinforcement properties to check and modify the reinforcement and mesh visibility, appearance and content.



Visibility of all reinforcing bars

Visibility of all meshes

Visible shows the bars or meshes.

Not visible does not show the bars or meshes


single line draws a single line with radiused bends.

single line with filled ends draws a single line for parallel bars and filled ends for perpendicular bars.

double lines draws an outline of the bar with radiused bends.

double lines with filled ends draws an outline of the bar with radiused bends and filled bar ends.

filled line draws a solid bar with radiused bends.

stick draws a single line without radiused bends.

outline shows the shape of the mesh using an outline rectangle or polygon, and a diagonal line. Applies only to reinforcement meshes.

outline (ignore holes) ignores holes and draws over them. Applies only to reinforcement meshes.

Visibility of reinforcing bars in group

Visibility of longitudinal wires

Visibility of crossing bars

all shows all bars in a group or mesh.

first bar shows only the first bar in the group or mesh.

last bar shows only the last bar in the group or mesh.

first and last shows the first and last bar in the group or mesh.

bar in the middle of group shows one bar in the middle of the group or mesh.

two bars in the middle of group shows two bars in the middle of the group or mesh.

customized indicates that you have specified the location of the only visible reinforcing bar. Applies only to bar groups and meshes.

Hide lines behind parts

Hides the lines behind the part. This is useful, for example, with lifting anchors where the reinforcing bar is partly outside the part.

Hide lines behind other rebars

Hides the lines behind other reinforcement bar lines.

Symbol at straight end

Reinforcing bar end symbols are always drawn in solid line type, regardless of the selected reinforcement line type.

Applies only to reinforcing bars.

Symbol at hooked end

Applies only to reinforcing bars.

Reinforcing bar end symbols are always drawn in solid line type, regardless of the selected reinforcement line type.

Mesh symbol

Defines the mesh symbol to be used. The mesh symbol appears in the middle of the diagonal line.

Symbol 1

Symbol 2

Symbol 3

Mesh symbol size

Defines the size of the mesh symbol.

Visible lines

Defines the color and type of the visible lines.

Reinforcing bar end symbols are always drawn in solid line type, regardless of the selected reinforcement line type.

Hidden lines

Defines the color and type of the hidden lines.

Additional ways of modifying reinforcement

In addition to the settings in reinforcement properties, you can modify the reinforcement in any of the following ways:

  • Increase the size of the bend and end symbols (in drawing units) using the advanced options XS_​REBAR_​BEND_​MARK_​SYMBOL_​MIN_​SIZE and XS_​REBAR_​END_​SYMBOL_​MIN_​SIZE in File menu > Settings > Advanced options > Concrete detailing.

  • Use the advanced option XS_​REBAR_​REVERSE_​END_​SYMBOLS in File menu > Settings > Advanced options > Concrete detailing to change the end symbols to a different direction.

  • Modify the reinforcing bar bending schedule, rounding of bar dimensions, symbols for meshes, strands, and unbonding, and appearance of reinforcement pull-outs in the rebar_config.inp file.
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