Detailed object level settings
In addition to defining automatic drawing mark and object properties, you can also set up a special representation for marks and building objects in drawings and use these detailed object level settings for specific purposes. For example, you may want to define that all columns in a specific general arrangement drawing are shown in a specific color, and in all other general arrangement drawings in the default part color.
To create the detailed object level settings, you first need to define the part properties and filters. For example, in part properties, set the part color to blue and save the properties.
To create detailed objects settings, you need to have:
- A filter that selects the objects that you want to be affected
- Object properties that you want to apply on the objects
Create detailed object level settings in a general arrangement drawing
To create detailed object level settings on drawing level in general arrangement drawings:
Now you have new detailed object level settings to be applied on a drawing.
Example: Apply detailed object level settings on drawing level in a GA drawing
Before doing this, drawing object properties for beams, columns and braces have been created and saved with aunique names in the part properties dialog box so that these parts have different colors. For details about creating drawing object properties, see the instructions above.
First you will make a general arrangement drawing filter, then save detailed object level settings in a settings file and finally, apply the new detailed object level settings on drawing level.
In this example, the filter uses part names defined in the model, similarly as in modeling filters.
If a row in the Object level settings for view dialog box is shown in red, either the object properties file defined for Settings used, or the filter file defined for Model object (Drawing view filter) is missing from the \attributes folder in the current model folder. See an example below:
Create detailed object level settings in cast unit drawings
Before creating the detailed object level settings, create the part properties and needed filters. For example, in reinforcement properties, set color to red and save the properties. You create detailed object level settings in the same way in single-part drawings and assembly drawings.
To create detailed object level settings on view level:
Now you have new detailed object level settings to be applied on a drawing.
Example: Apply detailed object level settings on view level in a cast unit drawing
In this example, detailed object level settings will be set up for lifting anchors in a cast unit drawing.
Before doing this, drawing object properties for lifting anchors have been created so that they use different color. For details about creating drawing object properties, see the instructions above.
First you will make a cast unit drawing view filter, then save detailed object level settings in a settings file and finally, apply the new detailed object level settings in a view.
If a row in the Object level settings dialog box is shown in red, either the object properties file defined in the Settings used box, or the filter file defined in the Model object (Drawing filter) box is missing from the \attributes folder in the current model folder. See an example below: