Splice connection (77)

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Splice connection (77)

Splice connection (77) creates a splice between two beams or columns. The splice can be bolted or welded, or bolted and welded. This connection also works with rotated and skewed beams, but only with I-shaped cross-sections.

Objects created

  • Flange plates

  • Web plates

  • Deck plates

  • Bolts

  • Welds

Use for

Situation Description

Plates are bolted.

Plates are welded.

Plates are bolted and welded.

Selection order

  1. Select the main part.

  2. Select the secondary part.

    The connection is created automatically when the secondary part is selected.

Part identification key



Flange plates


Web plates

Picture tab

Use the Picture tab to define the gap between the main and secondary beam, and the gap type.

Gap dimension

Description Default


Gap between the main part and secondary part.

5 mm or ¼”

Gap type

Option Description


Center fit

By default, both parts are cut equally (1/2 * entered gap).

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Center fit

The main part and secondary parts are cut equally (1/2 * entered gap), and placed centrally.

Offset fit

Only the secondary part is cut.

Offset fit

Only the main part is cut.

Parts tab

Use the Parts tab to define the properties of flange plates and spacers.

Flange plates

Option Description

Top ext flange pl

Top int flange pl

Btm ext flange pl

Top int flange pl

Flange plate thickness, width, and height.





Prefix and start number for the part position number.

Some components have a second row of fields where you can enter the assembly position number.

The default part start number is defined in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Material grade.

The default material is defined in the Part material box in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Name that is shown in drawings and reports.


Describes how the part surface has been treated.

Create web connection as

Option Description


Plate thickness, width, and height.


Select the profile from the profile catalog.


The flange and web spacers are used when the main and secondary beam flange or web thicknesses differ.

Option Description

Flange spacers



Flange spacer thickness.

Create external flange spacers

Select whether external flange spacers are created.

Web spacers

Web spacer thickness.

Parameters tab

Use the Parameters tab to define the location and diameter of the lifting hole, the type of bolts, and loose part and splice plate assembly.

Bolts and assemblies

Option Description

Workshop bolts

  • None - All bolts are attached at the building site.

  • Primary member - The bolts in the main part are attached at the workshop, and the bolts in the secondary part are attached at the building site.

  • Secondary member - The bolts in the secondary part are attached at the workshop, and the bolts in the main part are site bolts.

Loose parts assembly

  • Primary member - Creates a loose assembly between the spacers and the main part.

  • Secondary member - Creates a loose assembly between the spacers and the secondary part.

  • Both - Creates a loose assembly between the spacers and the main part as well as between the spacers and the secondary part.

Splice plate assembly

  • None - No assembly is created either between the splice plates or the main and secondary beams. This is the default value.

  • Primary member - Creates an assembly between the splice plates and the main beam.

  • Secondary member - Creates an assembly between the splice plates and the secondary beam.

  • Both - Creates an assembly between the splice plates and both the main and secondary beams.

Note that the assembly is created by welding the splice plates to the appropriate beams.

Lifting hole creation

Select to which part the lifting hole is created: plates, beam, or to both the plates and the beam.

Option Description


Lifting hole is not created.

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Lifting hole is not created.

Lifting hole is created in the secondary part side.

Lifting hole is created in the main part side.

Lifting hole dimensions



Define the diameter of the lifting hole.


Define the vertical location of the lifting hole from the center line of the web.


Define the horizontal location of the lifting hole from the end of the secondary beam.

Web plate creation

Option Description


Both web plates are created.

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Both web plates are created.

Web plate is created on the front side.

Web plate is created on the back side.

Attach flange plates to main and secondary parts

Option Option Description


Flange plates are bolted to the main and secondary parts.

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Flange plates are bolted to the main and secondary parts.

Flange plates are welded to the main and secondary parts.

Attach web plates to main and secondary parts

Option Option Description


Web plates are bolted to the main and secondary parts.

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Web plates are bolted to the main and secondary parts.

Web plates are welded/bolted to the main and secondary parts.

Web bolts tab

Use the Web bolts tab to define the web bolt properties.

Bolt group dimensions



Dimension for vertical bolt group position.


Bolt edge distance.

Edge distance is the distance from the center of a bolt to the edge of the part.


Number of bolts.


Use a space to separate bolt spacing values. Enter a value for each space between bolts. For example, if there are 3 bolts, enter 2 values.

Staggering of bolts

Option Description

Select the appropriate staggering option.

Bolt basic properties




Bolt size

Bolt diameter.

Available sizes are defined in the bolt assembly catalog.

Bolt standard

Bolt standard to be used inside the component.

Available standards are defined in the bolt assembly catalog.


Gap between the bolt and the hole.

Thread in mat

Defines whether the thread may be within the bolted parts when bolts are used with a shaft.

This has no effect when full-threaded bolts are used.


Slotted holes

You can define slotted, oversized, or tapped holes.





Vertical dimension of slotted hole.

0, which results in a round hole.


Horizontal dimension of slotted hole, or allowance for oversized holes.

0, which results in a round hole.

Hole type

Slotted creates slotted holes.

Oversized creates oversized or tapped holes.

No hole does not create holes.

Rotate Slots

When the hole type is Slotted, this option rotates the slotted holes.

Slots in

Part(s) in which slotted holes are created. The options depend on the component in question.

Bolt assembly

The selected check boxes define which component objects (bolt, washers, and nuts) are used in the bolt assembly.

If you want to create a hole only, clear all the check boxes.

To modify the bolt assembly in an existing component, select the Effect in modify check box and click Modify.

Bolt length increase

Define how much the bolt length is increased. Use this option when, for example, painting requires the bolt length to be increased.

Bolting direction




Bolting direction 1

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Bolting direction 1

Bolting direction 2

Top flange bolts / Bottom flange bolts tab

Use the Top flange bolts and Botton flange bolts tabs to define the flange bolt properties. On the Bottom flange bolts tab, you can select to use the top flange bolt default settings for the bottom bolts.

Bolt group dimensions



Dimension for vertical bolt group position.


Bolt edge distance.

Edge distance is the distance from the center of a bolt to the edge of the part.


Number of bolts.


Bolt spacing.

Use a space to separate bolt spacing values. Enter a value for each space between bolts. For example, if there are 3 bolts, enter 2 values.

Bolt offset



Define the bolt offset from the center line of the flange plate.

Staggering of bolts

Top flange bolts Bottom flange bolts Description

Select the appropriate staggering option.

Bolt basic properties




Bolt size

Bolt diameter.

Available sizes are defined in the bolt assembly catalog.

Bolt standard

Bolt standard to be used inside the component.

Available standards are defined in the bolt assembly catalog.


Gap between the bolt and the hole.

Thread in mat

Defines whether the thread may be within the bolted parts when bolts are used with a shaft.

This has no effect when full-threaded bolts are used.


Slotted holes

You can define slotted, oversized, or tapped holes.





Vertical dimension of slotted hole.

0, which results in a round hole.


Horizontal dimension of slotted hole, or allowance for oversized holes.

0, which results in a round hole.

Hole type

Slotted creates slotted holes.

Oversized creates oversized or tapped holes.

No hole does not create holes.

Rotate Slots

When the hole type is Slotted, this option rotates the slotted holes.

Slots in

Part(s) in which slotted holes are created. The options depend on the component in question.

Bolt assembly

The selected check boxes define which component objects (bolt, washers, and nuts) are used in the bolt assembly.

If you want to create a hole only, clear all the check boxes.

To modify the bolt assembly in an existing component, select the Effect in modify check box and click Modify.

Bolt length increase

Define how much the bolt length is increased. Use this option when, for example, painting requires the bolt length to be increased.

Weld prep tab

Use the Weld prep tab to control weld backing bars and weld access holes. The weld backing bar is used behind the welds connecting the beam flanges.

Before you start

  1. Set the thickness of flange plates to zero on the Parts tab. Flange welds and weld preparations are only created if the flange plates do not exist.

  2. Click the Weld button and enter the correct weld size, type, angle, and other properties. Otherwise weld preparations are not created. Note that weld preparations are not created for all weld types.

Backing bar

Option Description

Backing bar

Backing bar thickness and width.





Prefix and start number for the part position number.

Some components have a second row of fields where you can enter the assembly position number.

The default part start number is defined in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Material grade.

The default material is defined in the Part material box in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Name that is shown in drawings and reports.


Describes how the part surface has been treated.

Weld access hole dimension



Define the weld access hole radius in the main part.


Define the weld access hole radius in the secondary part.


Define the weld backing bar offset in the direction of the secondary beam.

Weld access holes





Round weld access hole

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Round weld access hole

Square weld access hole

Diagonal weld access hole

Round weld access hole with a radius that you can define in

Extended cone-shaped weld access hole with a radius and dimensions that you can define in and

Cone-shaped weld access hole with radiuses that you can define in and

Capital R defines the large radius (height).

Small r defines the small radius.

R = 35

r = 10

Weld preps for flanges

Select whether the main or secondary part flange is beveled.

Weld preps for web

Select whether the main or secondary part web is beveled.

Include backing bar

Select whether the backing plate is welded to the main part, secondary part, none, or both.

Backing bar location

Select the backing bar location in relation to the flange.

Option Description


Places the backing bars down for beams (In-Out) and inside (In-In) for columns.


Places both backing bars to the inner side of flanges.


Places the top backing bars to the inner side of the top flange and the bottom back bar to the outer side of the bottom flange.

Weld backing bar length

Enter the length of the weld backing bar in the box below the options.




Absolute length of the backing bar

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Absolute length of the backing bar

Extension beyond the edge of the flange

Deck plates tab

Use the Deck plates tab to define whether deck plates are created.


Option Description

Deck supports

Deck plate thickness and width.





Prefix and start number for the part position number.

Some components have a second row of fields where you can enter the assembly position number.

The default part start number is defined in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Material grade.

The default material is defined in the Part material box in the Components settings in File menu > Settings > Options.


Name that is shown in drawings and reports.


Describes how the part surface has been treated.

Deck plate dimensions


Define the deck plate edge distance from the main part edge.


Define the deck plate dimension from the web plate edge.

Deck plate creation

Option Description


Deck plates are not created.

AutoDefaults can change this option.

Deck plates are not created.

Deck plates are created on both sides.

Deck plates are created on the front side.

Deck plates are created on the back side.

General tab

Click the link below to find out more:

General tab

Design tab

Click the link below to find out more:

Design tab

Analysis tab

Click the link below to find out more:

Analysis tab

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