Join a shared model in Tekla Model Sharing

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures
Tekla Model Sharing

Join a shared model in Tekla Model Sharing

When someone using Tekla Model Sharing has invited you to join a shared Tekla Structures model, you may receive an invitation email.

The email contains information about the model, the used environment, and your user role. The user role defines your permissions in the model. You can join a model at any stage of sharing, and as many times as you need.

Join a shared model

  1. On the File menu, click Sharing > Browse shared models.
  2. In the Shared models dialog box, select the service from the Service list.

    When you use Tekla Model Sharing for the first time and the on-premises sharing service is enabled, you need to select the service from the Service list. You can set up and use an on-premises service connection, or you can use the Tekla service. Tekla Model Sharing on-premises server requires a separate license and installation.

  3. In Save in, browse for the location where you want to save your local version of the model.

    If you later want to join the same model again, you need to save a new local version of the model on your computer. If you use the same name for the model, the local versions of the model need to be saved in different locations on your computer, because you cannot have two or more models with the same name in the same folder.

  4. From the Shared models list, select the model you have been invited to.

    You can find the name of the model in the invitation email.

  5. Click the Join button.

    When you join the model:

    • Tekla Structures checks that the local version of the model does not already exist in the selected folder. A warning message is displayed if the selected folder already contains the model. In that case, you need to browse for a different folder where to save the model.

    • Tekla Structures checks the environment you are using and displays a message if you are using a different environment than the shared model. We recommend that all users within the same shared model use the same environment.

    The Available updates list opens.

  6. From the list of available updates, select an update or a baseline that you want to join.

    You can join any baseline (a snapshot of the model state on a certain date) or update, not only the latest. Selecting a baseline is beneficial if you join the model when there many changes have already been made. Joining a baseline instead of an update is also faster.

    By joining an earlier baseline or update, you can go back in the model history, and, for example, check the model state on a certain date.

  7. Start working with the model and share your model changes.

    When you read in, only incremental update packets are fetched from the sharing service.

Information on shared models in Tekla Model Sharing

When you want to join a shared model in Tekla Model Sharing, you select the model to join in the Shared models dialog box, in File > Sharing > Browse shared models.

Option Description


Sharing service that is being used.

Save in

Location where the local version of the model is saved on your computer.

If you want to save to another location, click the Browse button.

Shared models

  • Show also hidden

  • Show shared models on this computer

List of models that you have shared or that have been shared with you.

  • If you have hidden some models from the Shared models list, select the Show also hidden check box to see the full list of models that have been shared with you, or that you have shared.

  • Select the Show shared models on this computer check box to see the models that you have locally saved on your computer.

Click to hide the model from the Shared models list.

If you have many models on the list, it can be useful to hide the models you are not actively working with.


Code of the model.

The code can be, for example, a site number, a project number, or an accounting number.


Name of the model.


Description of the model.


Environment of the model.


Person who has invited you to the shared model, or has changed your role the last.


Date when the sharing of the model was started.

Your role

Your role and your access level to the model.

The options are: Owner, Editor, Project viewer, or Viewer.

Only the Owner can change the roles of the other users.

If you are the Owner, you can edit the Code and the Description of the model.

If you are the Owner, you can invite new users to the model, or remove existing users.

If you are the Editor, you can see which users have been invited or have joined the shared model.

If you are the Owner, you can remove the model from the sharing service.

This discontinues the sharing, and the users who have been working with the shared model cannot share changes anymore.

Local copies of selected model on this computer

  • Edited

  • Model

When you select a model from the Shared models list, the model information is displayed here.

  • The date when the local version of the model has been edited.

  • The location of the local version of the model on your computer.

  • Click to open the selected local version of the model.

  • Click to remove the selected local version of the model from your computer.

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