Change units and decimals

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Change units and decimals

You can define which units and how many decimals Tekla Structures uses. The settings are model-specific. Note that these settings do not have any effect on drawings or reports, or on the Inquire and Measure tools.

  1. On the File menu, click Settings > Options, and go to the Units and decimals settings.
  2. Modify the units and decimals to suit your needs.

    The number located to the right of each option indicates the number of decimals. The number of decimals affects the input and storage accuracy. Always use a sufficient number of decimals.

    • The settings on the Modeling tab affect the data that is used when you are modeling, for example copying, moving, creating grids, creating points, and so on.
    • The settings on the Catalogs tab affect the profile and material data, for example catalogs.
    • The settings on the Analysis results tab affect the output data.

      Reinforcement area and Mass/Length also affect cross section area and weight per unit length in the rebar catalog.

  3. Click OK to save the changes.
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