Delete unnecessary drawing files in single-user mode
By default all unnecessary drawing files are deleted automatically after seven days. You can delete all your unnecessary drawing files in the single-user mode using the Remove unnecessary drawing files command without waiting for Tekla Structures to automatically remove them.
To delete the files, you need to have full privileges. You can find the Remove unnecessary drawing files command through Quick Launch.
If you have worked with the drawings (edited, deleted) after you saved the last time, remember to save before you use the Remove unnecessary drawing files command.
By default, the privileges are full. If you want to restrict the command usage, add the following line in the privileges.inp file:
action:RemoveUnnecessaryDrawingFiles [who] [access]
, or
can be
In the following example, only the administrator can use the Remove unnecessary drawing files command:
action:RemoveUnnecessaryDrawingFiles everyone none
action:RemoveUnnecessaryDrawingFiles ORGANIZATION\admin full