Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures


Category: Numbering

To activate the Show top-in-form face for non-concrete material, use the advanced option XS_SET_FIXEDMAINVIEW_UDA_TO_AFFECT_NUMBERING. The allowed options are STEEL , TIMBER and MISC. You can also combine the options, use a comma (,) as a separator.

This advanced option affects numbering. If parts have different options selected for Fixed drawing main view , they get different assembly position numbers.

To show the top-in-form face in drawings and set which view is used in drawings as the main (front) view, go to the user-defined properties of a non-concrete part and select the Fixed drawing main view option that you want. The options are Top , Back , Bottom , Start , End and Front.

This advanced option is model specific and the setting is saved in the options database.

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