Marking: General
Use to define the leader line position of a leader line pointing to a mark:
- without a mark frame (mark frame deleted from the General page of the mark properties dialog box)
- without a mark frame but with a mark element frame (mark frame deleted from the General page, and element frame selected on the Content page of the mark properties dialog box).
The default value is 0.
Tip: You may want to keep the default value 0 for the advanced option XS_MARK_LEADER_LINE_EXTENSION_LENGTH , when using XS_MARK_LEADER_LINE_POSITION_TYPE_FOR_NO_FRAME.
This advanced option is role specific. When the type SYSTEM(ROLE) is in use, the default value is used. When the type MODEL(ROLE) or DRAWING(ROLE) is in use, you can change the value, which is then the same for all users in the current model.