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Tekla Structures installation for administrators
Tekla Structures installation for administrators
You can install Tekla Structures on a workstation using the standard installation packages or by creating your own centralized installation using MSI packages. You can also run Tekla Structures in a Citrix virtual environment.
To use Tekla Structures , you also need to install a license server.
Installation requirements
Trimble Identity
Tekla Online services use Trimble Identity for identification. You can use your Trimble Identity with other Trimble services, such as Trimble Connect and SketchUp 3D Warehouse.
Each organization has at least one account administrator, who is responsible for managing the organization group used in Tekla Online services. Several people in your organization can be administrators. The first user is invited by a Trimble representative, and that person is then responsible for adding other users and administrators as necessary.
As an administrator, you:
- Invite or approve employees to your organization's user group to allow them maintenance user access in all Tekla Online services.
- Add external license users.
- Select who has access to your organization's Online licenses.
- Remove people from your organization's user group when they no longer belong to your organization.
For more information, see Trimble Identity for Tekla Online services and Manage Trimble Identities and Tekla Online licenses.
Operating system and hardware recommendations
Tekla Structures can be installed on recent 64-bit Windows operating systems.
If the operating system is not one of the supported versions of Windows, the installation is cancelled. The installation also requires that Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 or newer is installed on the computer. The installation of .NET Framework 4.7.2 is included in the Tekla Structures installation package, and it is executed if needed. If you create a customized installation package, make sure that the .NET Framework is installed on the client computers.
For more information on recommended operating system and hardware specifications, see Tekla Structures 2019 Hardware Recommendations.
Installing Tekla Structures
You can download Tekla Structures software and environments from Tekla Downloads. To have the latest software in use, we recommend that you install the latest service pack of Tekla Structures. Service packs include improvements and fixes to the latest or to a previous main version or service pack of Tekla Structures. Service packs are available for all users with a valid maintenance contract.
You need to install Tekla Structures with administrator rights.
When you use centralized installation to install Tekla Structures on the client computers, the end users do not necessary need administrator rights.
Tekla Structures installers are .msi installers. Environment .msi installers include sets of .tsep installers that contain the actual environment files and settings. When installing a new version of Tekla Structures , install the software first and then the environments. The .msi installers are installed to your computer before opening Tekla Structures.
When you run the environment .msi installer, the installer creates the environment folder and copies the .tsep installers to the ..\Tekla Structures\<version>\Extensions\To be installed folder.
Starting from Tekla Structures 2019 SP1, the installer also creates the RemoveEnv.bat
and ToBeRemoved.txt
files, and places them to the ..\Environments\<environment>
folder. These files are used when uninstalling an environment.
The .tsep installers are run when you open Tekla Structures for the first time. Running the .tsep installers does not require administrator rights. Tekla Structures opens a dialog box that shows the installation progress of the .tsep installers. The .tsep installers install the environment files to the ..\Tekla Structures\<version>\Environments\<environment> folder.
Starting from Tekla Structures 2019 SP1, you can select in the installation wizard that the .tsep
installers are run when you run the environment .msi
installer. If you do not select to do this, the installers are run when you start Tekla Structures after the installation. If you are installing several environments for the first time, we recommend that you do not select to run the .tsep
installers with the .msi
installer. Some of the .tsep
packages are used in more than one environment and the same version of a .tsep
package is only installed once. Note that starting Tekla Structures for the first time after installation can take a long time particularly if you have installed several environments as all the .tsep
installers are run.
Tekla Structures installation wizard has detailed instructions about the installation. For more information, see also Install Tekla Structures.
Centralized installation of Tekla Structures
Installing Tekla Structures centrally across the company network saves time in a large company when there are many Tekla Structures users.
Centralized installation allows you to run the Tekla Structures installation silently in the background so that the users do not see the installation wizard dialog boxes. For detailed information on centralized installation, see Centralized distribution of Tekla Structures 2019.
Installation in a virtual environment
You can also run Tekla Structures in a Citrix virtual environment. Application and desktop virtualization allow users to run software from a Citrix server on the network without locally-installed Tekla Structures on their workstation. For detailed information on virtualized installation, see Using Tekla Structures with application and desktop virtualization.
Installing the license server
If you only use one license of Tekla Structures , you can install the license server on the same computer as Tekla Structures , making the license available on this one workstation. In an environment with multiple licenses and users, you install the license server in your company network, which allows for more flexible and efficient use of your licenses according to need.
Before users can start using Tekla Structures , you must:
- Install and set up a license server on a computer.
- Save the entitlement certificate and activate the licenses.
- Connect each client computer with Tekla Structures to the license server either manually, through a customized installation or by instructing the users.
For more information, see Tekla Structures licensing system.
Tekla Structures multi-user server
Multi-user mode allows several users to access the same model simultaneously. Multi-user mode is suitable for local teams with projects where the team members work in the same location, and do not necessarily have an Internet connection.
If your company takes part in external projects, or whenever more than one user works with the same model at different locations, we recommend that you use Tekla Model Sharing instead. With Tekla Model Sharing , the users in your company can work with the same shared model, offline and with high performance, and synchronize the changes with other team members even in a low-speed network. Tekla Model Sharing requires a separate subscription.
The multi-user model consists of a single master model. Each user can access this model and open a local view of the model. The local view is called a working model. Any changes a user makes to the working model are local and not visible to other users until the working model is saved to the master model. The multi-user system can contain several client computers, where users work on their working models. The master model can be located anywhere in the network, including any of the client computers.
A Tekla Structures multi-user system runs in your organization's internal network using standard TCP/IP networking and consists of:
- Tekla Structures multi-user server computer running xs_server.exe (started by the AlwaysUp utility)
- A file server computer containing the master model
- Client computers running Tekla Structures
The image below shows one possible configuration of the multi-user system.
The multi-user server is a separate installation that is available in Tekla Downloads.
For instructions on how to install the multi-user server and on how to run the multi-user server as a service, see Multi-user system.
When more than one user is working within the same model in different locations and at different times, use Tekla Model Sharing instead of the multi-user mode.
Installing .tsep packages
Tekla Structures extension packages, .tsep packages, are Tekla Structures extensions or additional environment content installers. .tsep packages are available for download in Tekla Warehouse.
You can install .tsep packages in three different ways.
Direct installation
- Double-click the .tsep installer that you have downloaded.
- The Tekla Structures extension manager dialog box opens with the name of the extension that is going to be installed.
By default .tsep installers are opened with Tekla Structures extension manager. Some .tsep installers are run directly from Tekla Warehouse with the Insert into model option.
- Select the Tekla Structures versions to which you want to import and click the Import button. The next time you start Tekla Structures , the extension is automatically installed, and it is shown in Tekla Structures extension manager.
If the .tsep installer is not set to open with Tekla Structures extension manager by default, you can set it manually. Right-click on the .tsep installer and select Properties. In Opens with , select Change and browse to TsepFileDispatcherLauncher.
Installation in Tekla Structures extension manager
You can also install a .tsep installer from Tekla Structures extension manager in Tekla Structures.
- In the Applications & components catalog, click
> Manage extensions > Extension manager to open Tekla Structures extension manager.
- Click Import and browse to the .tsep installer that you want to install.
- Click Open.
The imported .tsep is installed the next time you start Tekla Structures. It is shown in Tekla Structures extension manager , and is ready for use in the Applications & components catalog.
Uninstall .tsep packages
To uninstall .tsep packages, do one of the following:
- In Tekla Structures extension manager , select the .tsep packages that you want to uninstall (use Ctrl or Shift to select more than one), and click Remove. The .tsep packages are removed when you restart Tekla Structures.
- Browse to ..\Program Files\Tekla Structures\<version\nt\bin\ and double-click the TeklaExtensionPackage.Builder.exe to open the Tekla Structures Extension Package (TSEP) builder and test runner dialog box.
Go to the Uninstall TSEP based extensions tab, select the .tsep packages that you want to uninstall (use Ctrl or Shift to select more than one), and click Uninstall selected. This will remove all the selected .tsep packages. You do not need to restart Tekla Structures.
Centralized installation
You can centrally install a batch of .tsep installers across company workstations. This method is meant for system administrators.
By default, the .tsep installers waiting for installation are stored in \ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\ <version> \Extensions\To be installed. To install centrally, you need to copy the .tsep installers to the %XSDATADIR%\Extensions\To be installed folder. Create the \To be installed folder if it does not exist yet.
When Tekla Structures starts, it checks the available .tsep installers from the \To be installed folder and installs them automatically. If there is an older version of the same extension package, it is uninstalled before installing the new version. Installation is cancelled if the same or newer version has already been installed.
- The installed .tsep installers are stored in the %XSDATADIR%\Extensions\Installed folder.
- Invalid .tsep installers are uninstalled and moved to the %XSDATADIR%\Extensions\Invalid installations folder.
- Cancelled .tsep installers are stored in %XSDATADIR%\Extensions\Cancelled installations.
Copying .tsep installers
We recommend that you use ROBOCOPY from the command prompt ( cmd.exe ) to copy the .tsep installers. More information on ROBOCOPY can be found on the Microsoft website, for example.
The basic syntax for ROBOCOPY is: robocopy <Source> <Destination> [<File>[ ...]] [<Options>]
robocopy "\\Server1\prod\TeklaStructures\2019.0\Environments_TSEP" "C:\ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\2019.0\Extensions\To be installed" *.tsepThis command will take all .tsep installers from the \Server1 network directory and copy them to the local user's \To be installed folder.
Centralized uninstallation
You can uninstall .tsep packages in batches by creating an empty file without an extension, with the name RemoveExtensionOnStartup , in \ProgramData\Trimble\Tekla Structures\ <version> \Extensions\Installed\[Extension_To_Be_Uninstalled]. The extensions are removed the next time Tekla Structures is started.
Upgrading Tekla Structures
You can install service packs on top of the existing installation of Tekla Structures. You can update to new service packs without updating the existing licenses. A new Tekla Structures version installs as a separate instance and can exist on the same workstation with other Tekla Structures versions. An update to a new version requires that you also update your licenses, as the licenses have a highest allowed version.
If you already have an older version of Tekla Structures installed on your computer, you can use Migration Wizard to copy the personal settings to the new version. With the Migration Wizard you can choose to copy any of the following settings and values:
- user.ini file
- Registry values, such as:
- Toolbars
- Dialog boxes
- General options
When you customize Tekla Structures , for example, add or change drawing or report templates and catalog entries, we strongly recommend that you create project and firm folders for the customized files. This is useful if you want to store the files for future use, or if you want to retain them when you install a new release.
Tekla Structures does not replace files in the project and firm folders when you install a new release. You can retain your customized files without having to copy and paste, or export and import from the previous versions. This makes upgrading faster and easier. If you have customized previous Tekla Structures versions without using firm or project folders, you will need to transfer the customized information to the next Tekla Structures version.
Before you start using a new Tekla Structures version, always test that the old company settings work.
If you want to copy the settings later, you can start Migration Wizard manually by double-clicking the MigrationWizard.exe in the \Tekla Structures\ <version> \nt\bin\applications\Tekla\Migrations folder. You can select the version from which the settings are copied and the version to which the settings are copied.
Folder structure
Folder structure on local computer
See Tekla Structures installation folders for information on how the folder structure on the local computer is set up.
Company folder structure
We recommend using a central file folder for storing the models and setup files for the company-specific settings and the project-specific settings. Tekla Structures then reads the settings from the central file server. When upgrading to a new Tekla Structures version, or updating the company logo, for example, the files only need to be replaced in one place. This way taking backups and upgrading is easier.
For more information, see Create project and firm folders.
As all valuable information and work your company stores, it is also important to take backups of the model folders, and firm and project settings. If your company has a system for taking automatic scheduled backups, schedule your system to take the backups at night time, outside working hours to prevent any possible conflicts in the model. Do not forget to also take a backup of the license entitlements.
Virus protection
Virus protection software has sometimes caused problems in saving models and drawings to the model folder. These problems may occur especially if you have your model saved on a network drive. We strongly recommend that you add Tekla Structures into the safe list of your antivirus system, and to set up your virus protection in a way that actions in your model folder are not blocked or scanned.