Show plates as flat bars in drawings and reports

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Show plates as flat bars in drawings and reports

Tekla Structures can show plates as the equivalent flat bars for manufacturing. Tekla Structures displays the plates as flat bars in reports and drawings.

  1. Set the advanced option XS_​USE_​FLAT_​DESIGNATION to TRUE.
  2. Indicate the prefix you want to use for flat bars using the advanced option XS_​FLAT_​PREFIX.

    For example, XS_FLAT_PREFIX=FLAT.

  3. Set other platework-related advanced options as required.
  4. Define materials, thickness, and width of available flat bars in the Fltprops.inp file.
  • To prevent Tekla Structures from displaying the profile in metric units in the US environment Imperial role, add the flat bar prefix to the profitab.inp file as a parametric profile.

  • See also page Platework in the Advanced Options dialog box for information about advanced options related to platework.

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