Add images in a template

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Add images in a template

You can add images in graphical templates. For example, you might want to include a company logo in your drawings. Tekla Structures supports the following image formats in graphical templates: .bmp , .jpg , .jpeg , .tif , .tiff and .png.

  1. Open an existing graphical template or create a new graphical template in Template Editor.
  2. Add a new row in the template:
    1. Click Insert > Component > Row to add a new row.
    2. Select a content type for the row and click OK.
  3. Ensure that you have the row selected, and click Insert > Picture to open the Select Picture File dialog box.

    If a local symbols folder exists, the contents of that folder are shown by default. You can browse for the contents of the common\symbols folder by selecting that folder. If a local symbols folder does not exist, Tekla Structures displays the contents of the common\symbols folder.

  4. If you have images in other folders, you can display these folders in the Select Picture File dialog box:
    1. In Template Editor, click Options > Preferences.

    2. Go to the File Locations tab and on the Symbols, pictures row, add a new folder separated by a semicolon (;), for example:

    The folder you defined is displayed in the Directory list:

  5. Select an image from the File list and click OK and add the image.

    You can adjust the size by dragging from the image handles.

Things to remember when adding images in templates

  • Do not add very large images because they update very slowly.

  • The image may look different in the image editor and in the printout or in the exported DWG file.

  • When you export the drawing to DWG, Tekla Structures copies the images in the same folder as the DWG file. If the image for some reason is not in the same folder, only the name of the image is displayed together with an empty frame instead of the image in the DWG.

  • If environments have local symbols, the local symbol folder is also included in the search path with the common\symbols folder. If the local symbols folder contains files with the same name as common\symbols folder, then the local symbol file is used.

  • When you open the drawing that contains images inserted in the template, Tekla Structures first looks for the images in the model folder and then in the \symbols folder in the current environment.

  • You can define a folder where Tekla Structures always looks for images using the advanced option DXK_​SYMBOLPATH. You can also define a firm folder for your images.


Below are some examples of the Select Picture File dialog box showing folder structure in different environments.

In the following example, a company logo has been added in a template.

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