Borrow a license from Tekla license server

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Borrow a license from Tekla license server

In Tekla License Borrow Tool , you can borrow licenses from Tekla license server when you want to work offline. Borrow the license on the same computer that you will use for offline work.

Before you can borrow a license, you need to install Tekla License Borrow Tool , connect the computer with Tekla Structures to the license server and open the customized product ID file supplied by the person who manages the license server at your organization.

For more information about the prerequisites, see Set up Tekla License Borrow Tool for Tekla Structures offline use.

To borrow a license:

  1. Close Tekla Structures.
  2. Go to Tekla License Borrow > Tekla License Borrow Tool through the Start menu or Start screen , depending on your Windows operating system.
  3. Click the Setup button at the top of the dialog box.
  4. In the Setup dialog box, enter the port number and the hostname (computer name) of the license server in the Server box in the format port@hostname , for example, 27007@server_hostname.

    You need to use exactly the same port and host name as when starting Tekla Structures.

  5. Still in the Setup dialog box, click Browse and select the product ID file.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Products area, click the Borrow Until box and select the expiration date for the borrowing period from the calendar.

    The maximum borrowing period is one month. The exact maximum borrow period varies between 29 to 32 days depending on the borrowing date.

  8. Click the Borrow button to borrow the license.

    The borrowing progress is displayed in the Borrowing License(s) dialog box. After successful borrowing, the Borrowed Licenses area shows the borrowed license.

  9. To ensure that the borrowing succeeded, disconnect your computer from the license server and start Tekla Structures with the borrowed license.
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