Unitechnik export: TS configuration tab

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

Unitechnik export: TS configuration tab

Use the TS configuration tab to control the Unitechnik export properties.




Select the scanning direction, which defines which main part face is towards the pallet base. Unitechnik export uses scanning layers to obtain the geometry of all parts in a cast unit.

The scanning direction depends on the plane of the cast unit main part. A floor panel is scanned from bottom to top side. A wall panel and a column are scanned from one side to the other side. The position and direction of a basic shape of the exported cast unit depends on the rotation.

Note that you can use the surface object user-defined attribute Use surface as pallet base to orient the object without changing the top-in-form face or the rotation in export settings.


Floor: Bottom to top

Wall: Front to rear side (according to the modeling direction )

Column: Side to side


Floor: Top to bottom

Wall: Rear to front side

Column: From one side to the opposite side


+90 around X

Floor: Left to right side

Wall: Top to bottom

Column: Side to side


-90 around X

Floor: Right to left side

Wall: Bottom to top

Column: From one side to the opposite side

-90 around Y

Floor: Rear to front side

Wall: Right to left side

Column: Top to bottom


With the Top in form face option, the scanning direction depends on the defined top-in-form-face , so that the opposite face will be towards the pallet.


Examples of rotation:

  • Wrong scanning plane (from the right side to the left side):

  • Correct scanning plane (from back to front side):

Extra rotation

Select the rotation around the z axis, and thereby the rotation of the pallet. The z axis has the same direction, but the x and y directions are changed.

To show the actual coordinate system, set Draw pallet axis to Yes on the Pallet tab.

  • No

    No extra rotation.

  • Swap X/Y

    Swap x and y axis.

  • X=max(X_dim,Y_dim) main part

    X axis goes through the longer side of the main part.

  • X=min(X_dim,Y_dim) main part

    X axis goes through the shorter side of the main part.

  • X=max(X_dim,Y_dim) cast unit

    X axis goes through the longer side of the cast unit.

  • X=min(X_dim,Y_dim) cast unit

    X axis goes through the shorter side of the cast unit.

  • +90 around Z

    Rotates x and y axis around the z axis by 90 degrees.

  • - 90 around Z

    Rotates x and y axis around the z axis by -90 degrees.

  • 180 around Z

    Rotates x and y axis around the z axis by 180 degrees.

The following example shows the coordinate system with no rotation and no extra rotation settings. Panel 1 has the z axis set parallel to the shorter side. It is incorrect in the Unitechnik format, so the coordinate system has to be rotated. Panel 2 shows a rotation by 90 degrees around the z axis.

Auto-rotate on pallet

Select whether to auto-rotate the coordinate system for export +90° or -90° when the element width exceeds the pallet width, or when the element width exceeds the element length.

Scan position

The element contour, cutouts and line attributes are defined by scanning the cast unit in the scan direction defined by rotation settings above. A scanning plane works like a section with no view depth. The export application uses 1 or 2 scanning planes for each part included in the exported cast unit (regardless of the output file structure setting).

The offset is towards the middle of panel from the scanning plane, but can be negative or positive value.

The number of the scanning layers depends on the selected scan position. Each object of the cast unit is scanned in one direction.

Select the position in which all parts are scanned. Each part is scanned separately. Scanning plane is parallel to the basic shape plane.

  • Bottom and top

    Two scanning planes at the start and at the end of the bounding box of the scanning part.

  • Bottom only

    One scanning plane at the start of the bounding box of the scanning part.

  • Top only

    One scanning plane at the end of the bounding box of the scanning part.

  • Middle only

    One scanning plane at the middle of bounding box of the scanning part.

  • Top, bottom and middle

    Three scanning planes: one at the start, one at the end and one in the middle of the bounding box of the scanning part.

To move the position of the exact scanning plane, use the Scan position offset boxes below to define start offset and end offset.

Merge CONTOUR layers

You can export one scanned layer only. With two scanned layers, they have to be merged into one layer.

  • Intersection

    Creates polygon intersection of two contour geometries.

    1. First scanned layer
    2. Second scanned layer
    3. Layer
  • Union

    Creates polygon union of two contour geometries.

Export CUTOUTs

To prevent cutout export, select No.

Exclude selected excludes from the export the modeled cut parts that you define by class or name.

Selected only includes in the export the cut parts that you define by class or name.

Merge CUTOUT layers

The same as Contour export , but for holes only.


Select how to merge overlapping cutouts. You can select to export a big cutout which is created by smaller cuts as separate cutouts. The options are:

  1. Merged as one cutout

  2. Unmerged, overlapping cutouts

  3. Unmerged cutouts with no overlapping

Extend contour and add formwork

Select whether to extend the contour by embeds which are outside the element.

Name for additional formwork (embed)

Define a name for the embed.

Geometry export

Select whether the geometry of the exported part (concrete contour, cutout, mountpart) is represented as polygons or lines.

Polygons exported:


Lines exported:

Export rounded holes as circle (K) Select whether you want to export rounded holes as circles (K) or polygons/lines.

Double wall turned

Select whether the first shell of a double wall on the pallet is turned. This requirement depends on the receiving master computer system. The options are:

No : Exported as in model, shell1 is in front, shell2 in background.

Yes, turn shell1 : The shell 1 is offset by the pallet width in y direction (defined on the Validation tab) and flipped around x axis

Yes, turn shell1 - fixed edge up : This is meant for special machines.

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