FabTrol XML files

Tekla Structures
Tekla Structures

FabTrol XML files

You can import fabrication status information for parts to a Tekla Structures model from an XML file written by FabTrol.

FabTrol is a Material Resource and Planning (MRP) system commonly used by steel fabricators to manage estimating, inventory and production. Data can be written to FabTrol via a KISS format export or directly via the text based reports from Tekla Structures for tracking of the assembly status through the project lifecycle. The tracking information entered in FabTrol can then be re-imported back to Tekla Structures via the FabTrol XML import for colorization of the model. This is performed by storing the data in a preset collection of user-defined attributes (UDAs). Import of the FabTrol XML is possible in all configurations of Tekla Structures (including Project Viewer) but data can only be saved into the UDAs in modeling or management configurations.

You need to have the XMLTrans.trn file in the system folder defined by the advanced option XS_SYSTEM. This file maps the FabTrol XML names to Tekla Structures UDA names.

Import Fabtrik XML

  1. On the File menu, click Import > FabTrol XML .
  2. Click the ... button next to the Input file box to browse for the XML file.
  3. Select an appropriate option from the Create log file list:
    • Select Create to write a new log file and delete the previous log file each time you import the XML file.

    • Select Append to add the log file information at the end of the existing log file.

    • If you do not need a log file, select No.

  4. Select an appropriate option from the Display log file list:
    • If you do not want to display the log file, select No.

    • To display the log file, select On dialog.

  5. Click Create to import the status information.
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