There are a lot of settings in Tekla Structures that you mainly control in the properties dialog boxes. There are also some additional settings files that you need to modify in a text editor.
Click the links below to find out more:
General arrangement drawing properties
Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawing properties
Layout properties
View properties in drawings
Section view properties
Dimension and dimensioning properties
Mark properties
Mark elements
Pour object and pour break properties in drawings
Part and neighbor part properties in drawings
Bolt content and appearance properties in drawings
Surface treatment visibility and content properties in drawings
Surface treatment hatch pattern properties (
Reinforcement/Neighbor reinforcement and mesh properties in drawings
Reinforcement settings for drawings (rebar_config.inp)
Placement properties for marks, dimensions, notes, texts and symbols
Model weld properties in drawings
Drawing sketch object properties
Drawing grid properties
Settings in the Options dialog box : Orientation settings