Single-part, assembly and cast unit drawing properties
These drawings contain two types of automatic properties: drawing-specific and view-specific. Drawing-specific properties apply to the whole drawing: coordinate system, coordinate system rotation, drawing titles, drawing layout, user-defined properties, and some detail and section view properties.

View-specific properties are defined separately for each view that you select to create. For example, you might want to show marks in one view, dimensions in another, and surface treatment in the third one. You may also want to define different protection settings for each view. You can create as many views as you need.
To specify the drawing views to create and the properties to use, follow the path shown in the image below. First select the views to create and then select view properties to be used for the views. If you need to adjust view properties or create new ones, click View properties and adjust the view properties, including protection settings, dimensions, filters, marks and objects. Always use Save to save the view properties, otherwise your changes are not saved.

Drawing-level and view-level properties in single-part, assembly and cast unit drawings can be modified in an open drawing by double-clicking the drawing background or the view frame, respectively. The available properties are the same as in the dialog boxes shown above.
General arrangement drawing properties
Automatic drawing properties for general arrangement drawings can be defined on drawing level before creating the drawing. You can modify the drawing level properties in an open drawing by double-clicking the drawing background.

You can select the views that you want to create after starting the creation of a general arrangement drawing. You can adjust the view-level properties in an open drawing by double-clicking a view frame.