You can define your own line types, and use them wherever line type settings are available. The customized line types are handled the same way as other line types. The customized line types are defined in the TeklaStuctures.lin file in ..\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>\environments\common\inp. By default, the most widely used line types are available in the file.
The file contains the names of the line types visible in the user interface and the unique IDs assigned for each line type. The value of the ID must be greater than 10, for example:
CENTER, 1000
BORDER, 1002
You can use TeklaStructures.lin also in mapping the exported line types.
Note: If you add new customized line types, you need to add corresponding bitmaps to the ..\ProgramData\Tekla Structures\<version>\bitmaps folder, and name them dr_line_type_*.bmp , for example dr_line_type_CENTER.bmp.
Example 1
Line type definition for DASHDOT is A, 12.7, -6.35, 0, -6.35
This string means that the pattern starts with a dash with the length of 12.7 units, followed by a space with the length of 6.35 units, then a dot, and then again a space with the length of 6.35 units. Then the first dash is drawn again.
Example 2
Below is an example containing definitions for dotted lines:
*DOT,Dot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A, 0, -1.5875
*DOT2,Dot (.5x) ........................................
A, 0, -0.79375
*DOTX2,Dot (2x) . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A, 0, -3.175
Printed line types
Printing will look for the line type files in the model folder, and in the locations specified by the advanced options XS_PROJECT , XS_FIRM , XS_SYSTEM and XS_INP , in that order.