You can replace the available dimension arrows with your own dimension arrows, or add new ones.
For more information about creating custom arrows, see Customize dimension line arrows.
Note the following:
Symbols go to dimension_arrows.sym in the environment's \symbol directory (defined for the DXK_SYMBOLPATH environment variable in an .ini file).
Symbol indexes are listed in dimension_arrows.txt , also in the environment's symbol directory.
Bitmap files are named dr_dialog_dim_arrow_type_xxx.bmp , where xxx is the number of the index in the symbol file, dr_dialog_dim_arrow_type_007.bmp , for example.
Place the new bitmap files to one of the folders defined for the DAK_BMPPATH environment variable.
You no longer need to stretch dimension arrow heads, because dimension_arrows.sym in the Common environment has been updated to show arrows correctly at a 1:1 scale.
10 new dimension arrow head types have been added to the arrow head symbol set, see the image below. Each symbol is built on a 10 pixel basis so you can easily scale them if needed.
Note that you can reuse the dimension_arrows.sym file from Tekla Structures 2017i if you do not wish to work at a 1:1 scale with arrowheads. You can direct Tekla Structures by using the environment variable DXK_SYMBOLPATH in an .ini file to your own symbol file where symbols are created to be used with dim_arrow_width 2.500000.