Wind model loadcases
Once the wind wizard has been run, the next step is the creation of appropriate wind loadcases. This is achieved using the Wind Loadcases dialog which is accessed from the ribbon by going to the Load tab and clicking Wind Loadcases.
Auto generate loadcases
The Auto button within the Wind Loadcases dialog automatically generates wind loadcases.
Add loadcases
Alternatively, you can create loadcases manually using the Add button and proceeding as follows:
- specify which direction the loadcase will be created
- set default values for all the zone loads generated in the loadcase
- the loadcase name is generated automatically, (but can be overwritten if required by unselecting the Auto checkbox)
Try to use engineering judgment to identify the critical loadcases for design. This ensures that the number of load combinations to be considered are minimized. Use the Delete button to remove wind loadcases you do not wish to consider.
Once generated, the wind loadcases are standard loadcases which can be included in combinations in the normal manner.